Dont get it


I dont understand all the hate for B&L on this site. I've been with this company for a while, and while I do see some issues with management and some of the strategic decisions, I think overall it is a pretty solid company. I have worked at several other companies both public and private, some much larger and some much smaller I would put B&L towards the top in terms of work/life balance and overall compensation package. (Salary not great, but 401k match is amazing, most places only match between and 2 - 4%, and the medical benefits are great)

The last company I worked for was a fortune 50 (approximately 65 billion in revenue) and while I think the orginizational structre of the company was a little more sound, going to work there was like working on an assembly line. Everyone did their thing for 12 hours a day and then went home. No talking, lunch at your desk everyday because they staffed thin, 10 days of vacation until you hit 10 years, 5 years for 401k vesting and a 3% match. I think people around here need to wake up a little bit and realize, that while yes, B&L may not be the best company to work's defiantely better than most.

I dont understand all the hate for B&L on this site. I've been with this company for a while, and while I do see some issues with management and some of the strategic decisions, I think overall it is a pretty solid company. I have worked at several other companies both public and private, some much larger and some much smaller I would put B&L towards the top in terms of work/life balance and overall compensation package. (Salary not great, but 401k match is amazing, most places only match between and 2 - 4%, and the medical benefits are great

The last company I worked for was a fortune 50 (approximately 65 billion in revenue) and while I think the orginizational structre of the company was a little more sound, going to work there was like working on an assembly line. Everyone did their thing for 12 hours a day and then went home. No talking, lunch at your desk everyday because they staffed thin, 10 days of vacation until you hit 10 years, 5 years for 401k vesting and a 3% match. I think people around here need to wake up a little bit and realize, that while yes, B&L may not be the best company to work's defiantely better than most.

I agree

I dont understand all the hate for B&L on this site. I've been with this company for a while, and while I do see some issues with management and some of the strategic decisions, I think overall it is a pretty solid company. I have worked at several other companies both public and private, some much larger and some much smaller I would put B&L towards the top in terms of work/life balance and overall compensation package. (Salary not great, but 401k match is amazing, most places only match between and 2 - 4%, and the medical benefits are great)

The last company I worked for was a fortune 50 (approximately 65 billion in revenue) and while I think the orginizational structre of the company was a little more sound, going to work there was like working on an assembly line. Everyone did their thing for 12 hours a day and then went home. No talking, lunch at your desk everyday because they staffed thin, 10 days of vacation until you hit 10 years, 5 years for 401k vesting and a 3% match. I think people around here need to wake up a little bit and realize, that while yes, B&L may not be the best company to work's defiantely better than most.


It's not the company...It is stupid idiots like you who worship this place and dont know better. Wonder what you are really going to do when we are sold to Merck.

Hopefully just is done and losers like you get sent back to wherever you transferred from! People like you don't deserve to be here.

It's not the company...It is stupid idiots like you who worship this place and dont know better. Wonder what you are really going to do when we are sold to Merck.

This is the type of comment that spurred my initial comment. I dont understand why you are still working here if you have such serious problems with this company. If you are so much smarter than I am why do you still work here? If the grass is so much greener on the other side, why haven't you gotten a job somehwere else? Is it beause you can't?

If Merck, or anyone for that matter, comes in and buys this company, i'm sure I will be fine. I have made very considered decisions over my career to work in varied areas of the business to ensure my resume is as strong as it can be. I have also worked very hard to maintain strong relationships with my co-workers and my counterparts outside the company.

Contrary to what people may believe, if you continually complain about your company to other that work there, or to those you workwith outside the company, while people might agree or laugh with you, and you may consider these people friends. But those people are not that people that will hire you when you are layed-off because they know the type of person you are and what affects you can have on team morale.

So good luck to you should we be bought out. I hope you were able to save some money because I have a feeling that you will be out of a job for quite some time should that happen.

This is the type of comment that spurred my initial comment. I dont understand why you are still working here if you have such serious problems with this company. If you are so much smarter than I am why do you still work here? If the grass is so much greener on the other side, why haven't you gotten a job somehwere else? Is it beause you can't?

If Merck, or anyone for that matter, comes in and buys this company, i'm sure I will be fine. I have made very considered decisions over my career to work in varied areas of the business to ensure my resume is as strong as it can be. I have also worked very hard to maintain strong relationships with my co-workers and my counterparts outside the company.

Contrary to what people may believe, if you continually complain about your company to other that work there, or to those you workwith outside the company, while people might agree or laugh with you, and you may consider these people friends. But those people are not that people that will hire you when you are layed-off because they know the type of person you are and what affects you can have on team morale.

So good luck to you should we be bought out. I hope you were able to save some money because I have a feeling that you will be out of a job for quite some time should that happen.

Glad to know I'm not the only one working here that feels this way. To many whiners, if people don't like it here, LEAVE!

I agree with the original comment, B+L is a very good place to work and those who do not like it here should seriously look for other options. I don't get why some posts here are so full of ill feelings. No one is holding you back if they do not like where you are, right?

The company will be under new management in a few months. That will be like getting a new job as all of us will have a new boss soon.

Happy days will be here again either because there will be new management or the new management will lay us off giving us unemployment benefits.

To the initial writer- thank you! I could not agree with you more. For all of the haters, seriously, just leave. Your thoughts were well said.

My guess is that this thread was started by Bausch & Lomb's public relations or HR department. With the uncertainty with the company and the likely change in management in a few months it is not likely that an employee would give the company high marks for caring about their employees.

Companies that care about their employees do not sell to the highest bidder and put their employees jobs at risk of assimilation and elimination.

My guess is that this thread was started by Bausch & Lomb's public relations or HR department. With the uncertainty with the company and the likely change in management in a few months it is not likely that an employee would give the company high marks for caring about their employees.

Companies that care about their employees do not sell to the highest bidder and put their employees jobs at risk of assimilation and elimination.

I agree