The top 90% of B&L people will have a job. The bottom 90% of Ista people will not.
The "new" B&L management always gets rid of the bottom 10% or those they decide they don't like. Another 10 to 20% leave. Company has had over 100% attrition in 3 years. THAT'S CRAZY!!!
said another way, the bottom 10% of B&L are gone regardless, the top 10% of Ista's people have a chance of sticking with B&L if they are geographically desirable.
The real question is WHY would you chose to join B&L anyway?! Go find something better.
B&L Pharma is the joke of the eye care industry. You have a much better chance of finding a job with alcon, allergan or a medical device/diagnostic company now as an ista rep than you do once you become a B&L'er.
Many fine ex B&L-ers from the hay day have gone on to a great many number of much higher paid and higher prestige jobs. Follow their move preemptively and move on from B&L. It is past its prime. It's a horrific grind of a job with horrible micro management especially in the west.