Don't expect any big changes to your job this year


Any talk of layoffs or relocations is premature at this point. Management will study everyone's job in the new merged company and then make a decision as to the most efficient way of doing business. You should be fine. Just work hard to make your goals for this year. Probably very little change in the future until the company is sold or files for an IPO.

Any talk of layoffs or relocations is premature at this point. Management will study everyone's job in the new merged company and then make a decision as to the most efficient way of doing business. You should be fine. Just work hard to make your goals for this year. Probably very little change in the future until the company is sold or files for an IPO.

Agreed, there is nothing to worry about. If everyone just keeps focused on their jobs and delivers on their objectives everyone will be just fine.

Not true. Changes will be within 120 days of the ISTA deal closing. Managers will be asked to force rank their reps and then those reps at the bottom will be compared to their ISTA counterparts. Yes there is a lot of work to do before anything major happens, but if you think you're secure - watch out.

Not true. Changes will be within 120 days of the ISTA deal closing. Managers will be asked to force rank their reps and then those reps at the bottom will be compared to their ISTA counterparts. Yes there is a lot of work to do before anything major happens, but if you think you're secure - watch out.

Not worth worrying about. Just ignore what is happening with upper management and work on your objectives. You won't know until it happens and chances are if you work hard nothing will happen to you.

The top 90% of B&L people will have a job. The bottom 90% of Ista people will not.

The "new" B&L management always gets rid of the bottom 10% or those they decide they don't like. Another 10 to 20% leave. Company has had over 100% attrition in 3 years. THAT'S CRAZY!!!

said another way, the bottom 10% of B&L are gone regardless, the top 10% of Ista's people have a chance of sticking with B&L if they are geographically desirable.

The real question is WHY would you chose to join B&L anyway?! Go find something better.
B&L Pharma is the joke of the eye care industry. You have a much better chance of finding a job with alcon, allergan or a medical device/diagnostic company now as an ista rep than you do once you become a B&L'er.

Many fine ex B&L-ers from the hay day have gone on to a great many number of much higher paid and higher prestige jobs. Follow their move preemptively and move on from B&L. It is past its prime. It's a horrific grind of a job with horrible micro management especially in the west.

Don't listen to those who are trying to scare you into jumping ship.

As a ship jumper myself I think the appropriate word would be ENCOURAGE, not scare.

I ENCOURAGE you to jump ship. The water is fine. Don't be afraid. let go of the inflated base salary, take a med device job with a 55K base and make 250K total comp without all of the BS, backstabbing, constant worry, stress, entering fake calls, contributing on conference calls, constant worry of job loss, downsizing, riffs, car tracking etc.

Talk about SCARED. I would be horrified if my only job options were to stay in pharma at B&L under that mismanaged crew of cronies.

I encourage you to jump ship. I promote it. You will be a better person and better of for it.

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