Don't believe Merck's Lies & Propaganda


Merck has gone from an ethical company (back in the 70s & 80s) to the
worst of the worst when it comes to lying to their employees, and spewing
constant cult-like propaganda...

The young kids don't see it.. They think they are safe and have found this
magical career where they can work part-time and still become well-to-do
in America...(Which was in fact the case for many years)

Don't believe Mercks lies...They will use you, chew you up, and spit you out
when you are just old enough to be unemployable...Their tactics, (Taken right
from the Gestapo & Stasi playbooks) will expell even the most dedicated
and loyal Kool Aid Drinkers...

Get back at them...Don't work...go out and get a few sigs and dump some
samples and then go to the gym or to a movie...

Screw Merck back people!! They have contempt for you drug reps...


As much as I agree with the OP, it is sad to see how we have evolved down the food chain from the most admired to a third-class drug company still fantasizing as a first-class one.

Everything that you hear from management is scripted, choreographed bullshit. They'll lie about anything and everything and most of the reps are dumb enough to believe it.

Want to know the truth? Ask a former rep, preferably one that got pushed out. They are the countless sources for the truth out there, but you've probably been led to believe that they're the bad guys and needed to go. What a naive group. You deserve to work for Merck. The sad thing is that I can remember a time when I was one of those naive dumbasses. Then I grew up.

Only new reps believe Mercks lies, everyone else with an ounce of experience know that with management in place you cannot trust anything they say! There is no backbone with any of the managers to do the right thing with territory management! We have one hardworking rep in the district who's harassed by management when it's well known that his counterpart who is a district pet does not work most of the territory! Managers no longer manage their people and marketers just keep reading spreadsheets! Ain't life grand!

Merck has gone from an ethical company (back in the 70s & 80s) to the
worst of the worst when it comes to lying to their employees, and spewing
constant cult-like propaganda...

The young kids don't see it.. They think they are safe and have found this
magical career where they can work part-time and still become well-to-do
in America...(Which was in fact the case for many years)

Don't believe Mercks lies...They will use you, chew you up, and spit you out
when you are just old enough to be unemployable...Their tactics, (Taken right
from the Gestapo & Stasi playbooks) will expell even the most dedicated
and loyal Kool Aid Drinkers...

Get back at them...Don't work...go out and get a few sigs and dump some
samples and then go to the gym or to a movie...

Screw Merck back people!! They have contempt for you drug reps...

Oh! you are so kind! Contempt for the drug reps only? No they treat everybody with contempt and lies, especially the legacy Schering-Plough employees. It looks as though when all is done 90% of legacy Schering-Plough folks will hit the streets. Why did they buy Schering-Plough in the first place? Legacy Merck management must be a bunch of arrogant dumb asses. Merck will implode one day and a Chinese company will buy it for scraps.

past history is the best predictor of future behaviour. it's real simple. if merck has lied to the US government,congress, the IRS, FDA and it's investors....why would it be honest with it's employees?

This sounds awful. I'm in the interview process right now for a research position and it seems like a great opportunity. Sounds like I'd end up getting screwed down the line though. Would I be better of looking for a job at a small CRO company or work at Merck for a year and go back to school? The job market is not great right now.

The sad truth is that we are all in the same game. This game involves unethical executive leadership that will do whatever it takes to maintain control of the company. They send lies down from their office on high because they know- we can't do anything about it. They probably even know that not one of us believe in this shit that they are selling. They also know that with 9% unemployment in the country and 30% unemployment in our industry- there isn't anywhere else for us to go. So shitting on us has become common practice because like any bully knows... keep punching the little kids and they'll stay in line.

This sounds awful. I'm in the interview process right now for a research position and it seems like a great opportunity. Sounds like I'd end up getting screwed down the line though. Would I be better of looking for a job at a small CRO company or work at Merck for a year and go back to school? The job market is not great right now.

The job market may not be so great right now; however, signing on with Merck would be just plain silly. With all the layoffs Merck has had in the past couple of years, and with the latest layoff looming, it seems unwise to sign on with Merck. Merck does not have a strong pipeline, so investing your time in a research position doesn't seem too promising.