Donnie and his fellow idiots call coronavirus a hoax


A hoax that will end his presidency. Is the stock market reaction to his administrations loser response a hoax too ? Piece of shit
It will not end his presidency. America has tooooo many a$$ holes out there. Vag is one

A hoax that will end his presidency. Is the stock market reaction to his administrations loser response a hoax too ? Piece of shit
Is apparently what you have for brains.
Trump hasn’t called it a hoax. And the market is responding to the global impact of the virus, not anything Trump has done or not done. You’re ridiculous!

Is apparently what you have for brains.
Trump hasn’t called it a hoax. And the market is responding to the global impact of the virus, not anything Trump has done or not done. You’re ridiculous!
Not true. If the US was actively testing - which it is not - then the markets would likely not have plunged as severely. His administrations inept reaction, on par with his overalL ineptness, is why it was so severe.
Yet another time I have to school in idiot Trump creature

Not true. If the US was actively testing - which it is not - then the markets would likely not have plunged as severely. His administrations inept reaction, on par with his overalL ineptness, is why it was so severe.
Yet another time I have to school in idiot Trump creature
All you e done is proven that you’re the one who needs schooling. Trump hasnt impacted the markets. A global healthcare has. This is about how imbedded into the global economy China is and that’s being exposed as a very bad thing!

Would you rather have Bernie or Amy or Biden in the cockpit at the moment? You may discuss...….. ;)
Would much rather have anyone else in the cockpit yes! Not a Bernie fan but deciding perhaps socialism trumps fascism. Matter of time before trump declares martial law and calls off election. Not a crazy theory with this piece of dung in office


ALL of his comments taken in context prove that this is a lie! He stated that the Dems were perpetrating a hoax surrounding the issue and as usual he’s right.

What 'hoax' are the Dems perpetrating?
Q: Who just asked Congress for $2.5 B to fight it?
A: The White House.

Next ! :p

What 'hoax' are the Dems perpetrating?
Q: Who just asked Congress for $2.5 B to fight it?
A: The White House.

Next ! :p
The hoax is that Trump is unprepared and not taking appropriate action. As you said he just asked for 2.5 B to fight it!
Now go wipe the egg off your face and sit down and shut up.:p