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Donald's song, 2016: "Don't it make my red state blue"??


Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico.....his alienation of Latinos and women have turned these once red states blue. I am very happy Trump is on the ticket in these states! He will almost certainly be responsible for down ticket Democrat wins and this means the NRA-owned RepukeliKKKans have less and less power, as they move closer and closer to irrelevance. And the Supreme Court will be bluer than blue! Thank you, NRA-owned RepukeliKKKans, for making him the face of your (retarded) party!

Trump is in serious trouble. He and Hillary are lucky they are running against each other. As unappealing as she is, she will get more votes than him. He has managed to alienate everyone except rednecks. The only people who want Trump are uneducated dolts. Hence Libsluv.

Trump is in serious trouble. He and Hillary are lucky they are running against each other. As unappealing as she is, she will get more votes than him. He has managed to alienate everyone except rednecks. The only people who want Trump are uneducated dolts. Hence Libsluv.
Trump is in serious trouble. He and Hillary are lucky they are running against each other. As unappealing as she is, she will get more votes than him. He has managed to alienate everyone except rednecks. The only people who want Trump are uneducated dolts. Hence Libsluv.
Pot, kettle, black.

A theory that is floating around (not mine) is that Trump secretly wants Hillary to win and that's why he's acting the way he's acting. It was all decided in Bildenberg in 2014. We shall see.

I've heard the theory too, but I think it's pretty far fetched. What is much more likely is that we are simply seeing Trump be Trump. Very liberal in many ways, unprincipled, lying, say anything to further his personal ambitions, ego maniacal, narcissistic.

To me that's far more likely to be true than a conspiracy theory.

I've heard the theory too, but I think it's pretty far fetched. What is much more likely is that we are simply seeing Trump be Trump. Very liberal in many ways, unprincipled, lying, say anything to further his personal ambitions, ego maniacal, narcissistic.

To me that's far more likely to be true than a conspiracy theory.

So he's a typical Republican now? :cool:
The biggest of the biggest are bailing.... and had it been Cruz, they would have ended up with what? 3 electoral votes? They need to get their shit together and drop their war on women.

So he's a typical Republican now? :cool:
The biggest of the biggest are bailing.... and had it been Cruz, they would have ended up with what? 3 electoral votes? They need to get their shit together and drop their war on women.

You are absolutely delusional. There is no Reoublican war on women and the data say that you are totally wrong on Cruz. You just make up crazy stuff because you don't like Cruz. This only proves that I'm right dubbing you idiot boy.

You are absolutely delusional. There is no Reoublican war on women and the data say that you are totally wrong on Cruz. You just make up crazy stuff because you don't like Cruz. This only proves that I'm right dubbing you idiot boy.

Show us some of this 'mythical data'.....

You wouldn't know how to use a search engine if the instructions were rammed up your ass. Go help a 'potential child' who will end up in jail due to no parenting because 'Jesus loves them' although he doesn't give a fuck how they suffer in this world.