Was the right thing done with all these cuts?
Right people out, right people in?
Doubtful...people in the mix of muck and mire got an unfair shaft too...
Good workers out with the part-time, full timers.....
Compliant out with the violators...
Folks with a dip out the door...
All the picks of the independent firm?
Wonder how many managers might have helped solid workers be retained...
....we all have responsibility to do the right thing.
Yes, life IS about giving a damn...
Right people out, right people in?
Doubtful...people in the mix of muck and mire got an unfair shaft too...
Good workers out with the part-time, full timers.....
Compliant out with the violators...
Folks with a dip out the door...
All the picks of the independent firm?
Wonder how many managers might have helped solid workers be retained...
....we all have responsibility to do the right thing.
Yes, life IS about giving a damn...