Doing a ride along w/ a rep for an interview, what should I expect


Seriously? If you can't handle yourself well enough to sit in on a ride along and have to ask how to behave, you do not deserve the job. Shame on you Mr. manager. Send 'em packing.

Manager is placing you with a rep he respects. Ask appropriate questions and avoid focusing on what AZ can do for you. Be friendly and engaging with the rep and don't be afraid to speak to the customers. Pharma is a great job--a lot of people here will be negative and complain but they're still here.

It's amazing how many reps complain on here about pharma. 99% of them could never hope to earn 6 figures in any other profession. Be happy you've latched on with this gravy train and cling to it for dear life.

Seriously? If you can't handle yourself well enough to sit in on a ride along and have to ask how to behave, you do not deserve the job. Shame on you Mr. manager. Send 'em packing.

I asked what I was expected to do, not how to behave you dimwit.

Ask them to give you what a real day is like.

I want to actually go out and see offices, not go golfing.

So when the rep your riding with pulls over about 2 o clock to takes his/her daily nap I would watch Netflix with headphones on so you don't wake the rep up for about an hour and a half.

Do you realize this place is a cesspool of losers whiners complainers that will stab you and your grandma in the back? Are you crazy? DO NOT WORK FOR AZ NOW! we have no pipeline we eat our young we are laying off. Hello McFly! Everythng frenchy touches everything turns to turds. Do your research. Go look into mcDdonalds management anything else seriously. It's looks fun, trust me for the next 3 or 4 years it is dismal!

Manager is placing you with a rep he respects. Ask appropriate questions and avoid focusing on what AZ can do for you. Be friendly and engaging with the rep and don't be afraid to speak to the customers. Pharma is a great job--a lot of people here will be negative and complain but they're still here.

Ditto to this post. Just be yourself. It's a great job! I've had many new hire candidates in my car and it's basically a formality. You're either the top candidate or one of two. Just remember to not say or do anything stupid. If there is a major red flag, the rep your with may say something. If not, the pressure is on the rep that your with to make our job and their ability seem valuable. Shake hands with the doctor and engage them if they ask questions. If they don't, just observe. I would have some questions prepared to ask the person you're riding with to seem interested. You should know which drugs you would be selling and do research on them before the ride a long so you can ask questions after a call based on what you read and what he/she said. It shows you are prepared, engaged, and have a general understanding of what you are selling. Hope this helps and good luck.

Ditto to this post. Just be yourself. It's a great job! I've had many new hire candidates in my car and it's basically a formality. You're either the top candidate or one of two. Just remember to not say or do anything stupid. If there is a major red flag, the rep your with may say something. If not, the pressure is on the rep that your with to make our job and their ability seem valuable. Shake hands with the doctor and engage them if they ask questions. If they don't, just observe. I would have some questions prepared to ask the person you're riding with to seem interested. You should know which drugs you would be selling and do research on them before the ride a long so you can ask questions after a call based on what you read and what he/she said. It shows you are prepared, engaged, and have a general understanding of what you are selling. Hope this helps and good luck.

Thanks, that's exactly what I was wondering about. Very informative, I appreciate it.

Just had an interview for a sales position, manager wants me to ride along w/ a rep for a day to see if I like it. Do I just shut up and observe?

Man, can't you find a better company that POS AZ? Its a terrible place to work, along with 99.9% of all big pharma…the only exception is if your best friend that is very, very, very cool is your manager.

If you must do it and really want the job, then shut up mostly and just be positive all day.

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