Doing a happy dance!


Stop right there! This morning every Republican is sad that the big, bad Government stopped noble Pfizer from making more money. True it would have been directly at our expense but ignore that inconvenient fact. The rich MUST be allowed to get richer!!!!

Stop right there! This morning every Republican is sad that the big, bad Government stopped noble Pfizer from making more money. True it would have been directly at our expense but ignore that inconvenient fact. The rich MUST be allowed to get richer!!!!
Lol - very good! And don't forget evil Obama continues to destroy this country

Anyone want to bet that Pfizer is today eying up a "more suitable candidate" for inversion?

This ain't over

No way are Pfizer going to let the prospect getting their hands on all the free money sitting off shore go.

Anyone want to bet that Pfizer is today eying up a "more suitable candidate" for inversion?

This ain't over

No way are Pfizer going to let the prospect getting their hands on all the free money sitting off shore go.
Pfizer is gonna have a tough time inverting any time soon.
Welcome back to America Pfizer!
Today we celebrate!!!!!

Anyone want to bet that Pfizer is today eying up a "more suitable candidate" for inversion?

This ain't over

No way are Pfizer going to let the prospect getting their hands on all the free money sitting off shore go.

You are right is not over. The inversion is to valuable. Consider this; GSk CEO Andrew witty out of London is now leaving officially retiring March 2017. He was a roadblock to a GSk takeover. Institutional investors want GSk broken up. Wouldn't be surprised if GSk becomes a target!

To anyone thinking this is a good thing that Pfizer won't be merging with Allergan does not need to have their job security. Pfizer needs the additional products and disease states that Allergan has to continue on, just like they have needed to do the last 4 companies they ate up. The biggest problem with Pfizer is there are too many ego driven idiots running the ship.

To anyone thinking this is a good thing that Pfizer won't be merging with Allergan does not need to have their job security. Pfizer needs the additional products and disease states that Allergan has to continue on, just like they have needed to do the last 4 companies they ate up. The biggest problem with Pfizer is there are too many ego driven idiots running the ship.
Allergan partnering with Heptares to target neurological disorders

To anyone thinking this is a good thing that Pfizer won't be merging with Allergan does not need to have their job security. Pfizer needs the additional products and disease states that Allergan has to continue on, just like they have needed to do the last 4 companies they ate up. The biggest problem with Pfizer is there are too many ego driven idiots running the ship.

THANK YOU! We truly are a bunch of short-sighted dolts. Hey guys, where do you think we are going to get the $$$$$ we were planning on saving with the inversion?