You do not need special powers to see that this company is [in trouble]. If I owned stock in this company, I would sell it immediately. If I were [the] doggie doc, I would buy a grade of grease that will provide maximum lubrication (contact the NLGI, if they will speak to you, for a recommendation). If I were any of the executives or board members, I might also look for a lubricant product to ease the suffering. The smartest move for all of you is to leave this country. I said this at the beginning of the panic (I am not sure if I can say pandemic or COVID). The only way the virus could be contained would be if every human on Earth contracted it simultaneously without it mutating. You might be able to find my exact words on the Novartis board if they weren't censored. I am not a virologist, and I certainly do not have the resources or pedigree that many of you have. So, how did I know that, but it either never crossed your minds or you didn't want it stated?