Does Vertex offer "Summer Fridays?"


I work for a small biotech and I'm petitioning for "Summer Fridays." This would be half-days every Friday from Memorial Day to Labor Day. I need to compile a list of benefits offered at bigger biotechs. Does Vertex offer anything like this? What do other companies offer?


I work for a small biotech and I'm petitioning for "Summer Fridays." This would be half-days every Friday from Memorial Day to Labor Day. I need to compile a list of benefits offered at bigger biotechs. Does Vertex offer anything like this? What do other companies offer?

You don't think that by petitioning they will remember focus on YOU as a target and scrutinize your every move? Come on, you are smarter than this.

FYI, AZ used to have Summer Fridays but I don't think they do anymore. Good luck keeping your job.

I work for a small biotech and I'm petitioning for "Summer Fridays." This would be half-days every Friday from Memorial Day to Labor Day. I need to compile a list of benefits offered at bigger biotechs. Does Vertex offer anything like this? What do other companies offer?

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I work for a small biotech and I'm petitioning for "Summer Fridays." This would be half-days every Friday from Memorial Day to Labor Day. I need to compile a list of benefits offered at bigger biotechs. Does Vertex offer anything like this? What do other companies offer?

Ive had summer, winter, fall, and spring friday and mondays off for years. Whats the problem?

I work for a small biotech and I'm petitioning for "Summer Fridays." This would be half-days every Friday from Memorial Day to Labor Day. I need to compile a list of benefits offered at bigger biotechs. Does Vertex offer anything like this? What do other companies offer?

Then Why are you asking the same question on big pharma boards such as Merck. Get off the board you life sucking lawyer. You type is one of the big reasons for the demise of this industry. Oh, take the whole summmerr off

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