Does Optimum work?


We (Davol) had our best reps quit and leave a ton of optimum. the last guy left over $450,000 on the table but he is only one of many who left a heap of optimum.
there are even a bunch of current reps planning on leaving and they have a lot of optimum too.

is this happening in other divisions too?

And the reason you care if people with Optimum leave is why? I would like to know how it affects you. If you just worry about yourself than maybe one day you will be good enough to have $450k.

We (Davol) had our best reps quit and leave a ton of optimum. the last guy left over $450,000 on the table but he is only one of many who left a heap of optimum.
there are even a bunch of current reps planning on leaving and they have a lot of optimum too.

is this happening in other divisions too?

It's a great program. But you have to believe in the division you work for. In this economy there are very few better programs for a sales rep.

And the reason you care if people with Optimum leave is why? I would like to know how it affects you. If you just worry about yourself than maybe one day you will be good enough to have $450k.

and the reason you don't care?

go ahead and be defensive, stick your head in the sand, and don't consider the fact that others around you just might possibley be seeing something you are not. while many of us are getting by fine right now it still makes you wonder why the best soldiers have deserted..

Depends on what the goal is. All I know is that I'm getting another 100k in my account in Feb, so it works for me. And I have another 80k coming for this years award. It works if you work for it.

Depends on what the goal is. All I know is that I'm getting another 100k in my account in Feb, so it works for me. And I have another 80k coming for this years award. It works if you work for it.

don't count on those figures. for example, the way davol is going with competition, delayed launches (of products that may not meet their revenue targets) and recent public failures within its pipeline, I wouldn't bank on having 100k in your account in feb. As davol proudly claims, it is a big factor in bard's bottom line and therefore these issues could have an impact on the stock/optimum.

while bard is extremely well run at the top, there may soon come a point when the numbers from BUD, Davol, BMD etc. and the wall street guidance have a "come to jesus", especially in the hyper-scrutinized market environment of today.

however, this could be a benefit to you with your newly earned 80k as you will have more shares which will go further as the underperforming divisions recover and bard surges back to the machine it always has been. it will happen.

Optimum is a great program if you stick around and perform, both of which i have done and will continue to do. If you do not work for Bard, why are you on here bitching about a program that has nothing to do with you.....unless A. you are jealous of the program because if and when you were here you didnt perform or B. you want to be a part of it but couldnt get past the interview process and are just a whiny b**ch......and i dont want to see the response, oh my W2 is 250k, i dont need Bard!

Picking up another Optimum check next week. Get one every year. If you are able to finish in the top 50% every year, the checks are between 20k and 80k and usually the value doubles by the time you hit your first vesting after 4 years. From that point forward it is practically an annuity.

This program is Sick. There is nothing comparable in the industry. My buddy just collected a huge check and he's only been with Bard for 6 years.

Been around for 6 years? This is a total lie. I don't think there is a single Bard employee that's been around for 6 years. Optimum is only a carrot that Bard dangles in front of reps in order to entice them to stay because the turnover is so high.

Been around for 6 years? This is a total lie. I don't think there is a single Bard employee that's been around for 6 years. Optimum is only a carrot that Bard dangles in front of reps in order to entice them to stay because the turnover is so high.

Ass sphincter says what? There are tons of reps with 6 years service and they are collecting bank unlike your sad bitter self. What's the matter, you get run out like a dog?

Ass sphincter says what? There are tons of reps with 6 years service and they are collecting bank unlike your sad bitter self. What's the matter, you get run out like a dog?

"Ass sphincter". Nice choice of words. Haven't heard that since...the 5th grade! You're half right about the "dog" analogy. Anyone who's been at Bard for longer than 2 years is scratching at the door like a dog trying to get out...

As it's been said before...Bard is a great stock to own, but a horrible company to work for.

To go where? What top notch company do you work for? A whole bunch of us collected Optimum checks a few weeks ago. It must have been that whole performance thing that got in the way of your success. I'm sure it was somebody else's fault, right?

It depends on how you define 'work'. If you mean will you get something for nothing, then no. If your asking if I just joined a country club by paying cash, then yes. If you perform, you get paid. If you suck, then you get nothing.

You typical Davol punks. What's wrong the helmet too tight? The jock off center? The The eyeblack sting? You meatheads are a pathetic excuse for a ales team. Now run along and tell Dr. D about the 1991 BCS game you almost won. I'm sure he'll be impressed after he pukes.