Does Mgt really think there is any trust left?


I was blessed to be "safe". I feel sorry for those that were displaced, but you will end up in a better place. All of us who are still here are headed towards the worst period in DSI history. I can only imagine the micro-management pressure that will come once the morale building facade fades soon after Vegas. The senior manager's jobs are on the line and they know their time is short to prove they can keep the bottom line of the US green enough for Japan to keep an arms length. That means they will be putting the screws to those under RD, to DM, to PC. There is no loyalty here anymore. Those of us that have been here more than 5 -7 yrs know that b/c this is the exact opposite of how things used to be.
With no revenue producing drugs on the horizon, dark days are ahead. You know as soon as we started bringing in outsiders for management (like JM), thats when the climate changed. Now they have brought all of their buddies in and unless Japan takes some control here, they can do as they please.
I can see the negative replies that will be posted.....I am glad I have a job and can support my family. Look, I believe in loyalty. Maybe that's old school, but when you can't trust those that you work for, that's a problem. I will no longer be a passive job seeker.

No way management can put a positive spin on the direction this company is going. Throw in the fact that they have been completely dishonest with the field and you now have a sales force that is looking to get out.

I was blessed to be "safe". I feel sorry for those that were displaced, but you will end up in a better place. All of us who are still here are headed towards the worst period in DSI history. I can only imagine the micro-management pressure that will come once the morale building facade fades soon after Vegas. The senior manager's jobs are on the line and they know their time is short to prove they can keep the bottom line of the US green enough for Japan to keep an arms length. That means they will be putting the screws to those under RD, to DM, to PC. There is no loyalty here anymore. Those of us that have been here more than 5 -7 yrs know that b/c this is the exact opposite of how things used to be.
With no revenue producing drugs on the horizon, dark days are ahead. You know as soon as we started bringing in outsiders for management (like JM), thats when the climate changed. Now they have brought all of their buddies in and unless Japan takes some control here, they can do as they please.
I can see the negative replies that will be posted.....I am glad I have a job and can support my family. Look, I believe in loyalty. Maybe that's old school, but when you can't trust those that you work for, that's a problem. I will no longer be a passive job seeker.

Trust eroded away long ago so Lets see if I get this right. 1. There is no need to worry about layoffs. DSI has not and never will have layoffs! Just go improve your sales numbers and everything will be fine. 2. There will only be a realigning of territories and it will be a "head count neutral" allignment. Just go improve your sales numbers and everything will be fine. 3.There will only be a ten percent reduction and most will have a chance at other jobs withing DSI. Just go improve your sales numbers and everything will be alright.

What is the next message we will get just before we are told to go improve our sales numbers and everything will be alright.

What is the next message we will get just before we are told to go improve our sales numbers and everything will be alright

I believe the next message will be " bend over and would you like some lube" this message will be delivered at 5:15 by BM.

The realignment should have been called the "DM Geographical Realignment." Only DM's were shifted closer to where they live. The reps didn't factor into the equation at all. That is very disappointing to me. Everyone I know kept their same exact territories. The only ones that shifted were the DM's. Now the company won't tell us what zip codes we will have. Wait for a package to arrive with your new zip codes? WTF? This is amateur hour at its finest...

They cant tell anyone their new territories yet ass clown. Some reps would stop calling on their current docs. If you are still employed then thank your lucky stars and try to have a good quarter this quarter. The stress of the past few months has been incredible. One month left to end fiscal 2010 well and try to set yourself up for gold cup.

alot of reps got shifted in my area and got new partners and different managers and different territories. As for me, my situation is going to improve!! I am excited about the changes. For me I have better partners, improved potential and I don't care which manager directs me. I am going to make more money than ever! And that's what I'm here for.

They cant tell anyone their new territories yet ass clown. Some reps would stop calling on their current docs. If you are still employed then thank your lucky stars and try to have a good quarter this quarter. The stress of the past few months has been incredible. One month left to end fiscal 2010 well and try to set yourself up for gold cup.

alot of reps got shifted in my area and got new partners and different managers and different territories. As for me, my situation is going to improve!! I am excited about the changes. For me I have better partners, improved potential and I don't care which manager directs me. I am going to make more money than ever! And that's what I'm here for.

Enjoy that kid....until DSI goes to contract sales. The odds in Vegas are pretty good on that bet.

Who cares? All I know is I now work for a manager in Denver who has no business being a manager. Promoted WAY before she was ready. What exactly will she "coach" me on when i probably know more than her. Total joke. She has no business being a manger and she knows it. That's the sad part.