Does BMS hire reps with 2-3 yrs of pharma exp?!


In the top of my current company with 2-3 yrs of pharma experience. Applied to multiple pharm rep positions and have never received an email or call back... What does BMS typically require with only 2-3 yrs pharma exp?


You need a good recruiter to work for you rather than going direct. HR doesn't take the time to sort resumes very often when they do get to you, the position is closed. They rely on recruiters to screen and recommend candidates. Find out who the recruiter a company is using and try to go through them. I would also recommend Princeton One out of Indy to start with. make sure the recruiter focuses on Pharma as they all do different areas.

These days, it's almost necessary to know a rep locally, and get them on your side. Often, when a position opens up, the local BMS reps already know who they want to be their next partner. That being said, if you can get an interview I think you have a good chance, because BMS is not known for placing a whole lot of weight on what the reps think.

In the top of my current company with 2-3 yrs of pharma experience. Applied to multiple pharm rep positions and have never received an email or call back... What does BMS typically require with only 2-3 yrs pharma exp?

If you are a good rep than look elsewhere. The management here typically hires bottom feeders that is the only way they can stay where they are.