Does anyone on this board actually work at AbbVie?


Does anyone on this board actually work at AbbVie? Or have something productive to discuss? Everyone seems so pissed off all the time, however they apparently just stick around to bitch about it. Especially the "reps", who obviously make the most of any low-mid level employees. Profits are stable, stocks at an all time high and AbbVie is doing quite well, so what's the problem? I really don't think AbbVie is on the verge of collapse or being bought out by Gilead, so just stop!

Haven’t worked with or talked to anyone who actually hates AbbVie as much as these anonymous posts, so I’m starting to think it’s other companies blasting AbbVie with propaganda and negative rhetoric. If this is actually the case, WOW that’s sad.


Does anyone on this board actually work at AbbVie? Or have something productive to discuss? Everyone seems so pissed off all the time, however they apparently just stick around to bitch about it. Especially the "reps", who obviously make the most of any low-mid level employees. Profits are stable, stocks at an all time high and AbbVie is doing quite well, so what's the problem? I really don't think AbbVie is on the verge of collapse or being bought out by Gilead, so just stop!

Haven’t worked with or talked to anyone who actually hates AbbVie as much as these anonymous posts, so I’m starting to think it’s other companies blasting AbbVie with propaganda and negative rhetoric. If this is actually the case, WOW that’s sad.

You must not work here if you are surprised at the tone of the posters. If it's SO great here why has half the Hcv sales force resign, with a large percentage BEFORE the launch?

Does anyone on this board actually work at AbbVie? Or have something productive to discuss? Everyone seems so pissed off all the time, however they apparently just stick around to bitch about it. Especially the "reps", who obviously make the most of any low-mid level employees. Profits are stable, stocks at an all time high and AbbVie is doing quite well, so what's the problem? I really don't think AbbVie is on the verge of collapse or being bought out by Gilead, so just stop!

Haven’t worked with or talked to anyone who actually hates AbbVie as much as these anonymous posts, so I’m starting to think it’s other companies blasting AbbVie with propaganda and negative rhetoric. If this is actually the case, WOW that’s sad.

Thankfully, no! But I did and I hated it. It's not other companies, it's people who work or worked there who found much to hate. AW Shucks, I love slamming the company. It is sludge, in my book. Whenever I have a free minute, I'm on here spreading The Good Word!!!! I feel it is my good deed and duty to humanity.

Does anyone on this board actually work at AbbVie? Or have something productive to discuss? Everyone seems so pissed off all the time, however they apparently just stick around to bitch about it. Especially the "reps", who obviously make the most of any low-mid level employees. Profits are stable, stocks at an all time high and AbbVie is doing quite well, so what's the problem? I really don't think AbbVie is on the verge of collapse or being bought out by Gilead, so just stop!

Haven’t worked with or talked to anyone who actually hates AbbVie as much as these anonymous posts, so I’m starting to think it’s other companies blasting AbbVie with propaganda and negative rhetoric. If this is actually the case, WOW that’s sad.

THANK YOU. I haven't either. If you actually work at AbbVie and are posting this drivel, please hurry up and find other employment at one of our competitors. They are welcome to you.

Does anyone on this board actually work at AbbVie? Or have something productive to discuss? Everyone seems so pissed off all the time, however they apparently just stick around to bitch about it. Especially the "reps", who obviously make the most of any low-mid level employees. Profits are stable, stocks at an all time high and AbbVie is doing quite well, so what's the problem? I really don't think AbbVie is on the verge of collapse or being bought out by Gilead, so just stop!

Haven’t worked with or talked to anyone who actually hates AbbVie as much as these anonymous posts, so I’m starting to think it’s other companies blasting AbbVie with propaganda and negative rhetoric. If this is actually the case, WOW that’s sad.

Your post doesn't make sense. Are you fishing for CI? If so, move along.
Dr. Abbott is rolling in his grave thanks to "RG NO DEGREE".

Dr. Abbott would have fired you back then.
Slackers weren't tolerated at all and rightfully so!
Are you ever going to find a job ? A woman ? A life ? Friends ?
No No No and No !

Ricky has a degree from the school of hard knocks.
Watch what you say.

Right, God know the ones without the degrees seem to be head and shoulder smarter and more able then those with. It's not that he didn't go to college the real question is why he lied and why the board didn't fire him no matter how painful because he lied. If I lied I would be fired in a heartbeat so when he was not it fired it sends the message that anything goes and it will.
Management is not honest and they lead by example, that why a huge percentage of our sales force just plain doesn't care and also lie, it all starts at the top Brother.
I hope when Jim replaces Rick things will change.

Right, God know the ones without the degrees seem to be head and shoulder smarter and more able then those with. It's not that he didn't go to college the real question is why he lied and why the board didn't fire him no matter how painful because he lied. If I lied I would be fired in a heartbeat so when he was not it fired it sends the message that anything goes and it will.
Management is not honest and they lead by example, that why a huge percentage of our sales force just plain doesn't care and also lie, it all starts at the top Brother.
I hope when Jim replaces Rick things will change.

For god's sake, when are they going to take down headquarters and fire some asses? I am really getting tired of waiting. I realize it takes a million years for the most minute decision around here but time is a' wasting. Let's get the show on the road.

I think the people who are bitchin' or complaining may have an ax to grind or are former employees who were given their (a) pink slips (b) forced to leave or (c) still work at the company, hate their jobs, but love that six-figure paycheck. Whether they work at the company or not -- who gives a "F#$*"! Who cares if they do or do not work for the company or who cares if they have anger-management issues with the company. I don't.

Worst place to work. Boys club. Parking stickers that are color coded according to your salary range. Handlers for higher-ups. HR reps that are sorority girls without souls. CEO who lied on resume and not only gave himself a degree, but an ADVANCED degree and the company said it was an “administrative error.” Egos the size of Texas. Special treatment for higher grade levels. An environment of ladder climbing and ruthless money grubbing, nanny hiring, suits that care more about their climb than human beings. A place where women are paid less. A place where the scientists are actually treated with less respect than the ego maniac commercial people, if you can call them people. A holding place for people who think the AbbVie zip-code is the only thing to aspire to; the only place in the world. A sad beige place where douche bags rule and words like “synergy” and “transparency” are thrown around in meeting after meeting.
AbbVie...fucking...blows. Unless you have no soul. Then-carry on...

Worst place to work. Boys club. Parking stickers that are color coded according to your salary range. Handlers for higher-ups. HR reps that are sorority girls without souls. CEO who lied on resume and not only gave himself a degree, but an ADVANCED degree and the company said it was an “administrative error.” Egos the size of Texas. Special treatment for higher grade levels. An environment of ladder climbing and ruthless money grubbing, nanny hiring, suits that care more about their climb than human beings. A place where women are paid less. A place where the scientists are actually treated with less respect than the ego maniac commercial people, if you can call them people. A holding place for people who think the AbbVie zip-code is the only thing to aspire to; the only place in the world. A sad beige place where douche bags rule and words like “synergy” and “transparency” are thrown around in meeting after meeting.
AbbVie...fucking...blows. Unless you have no soul. Then-carry on...

Welcome to the Medical Sales sweetheart. Be the change or get the f*ck out.

Does anyone on this board actually work at AbbVie? Or have something productive to discuss? Everyone seems so pissed off all the time, however they apparently just stick around to bitch about it. Especially the "reps", who obviously make the most of any low-mid level employees. Profits are stable, stocks at an all time high and AbbVie is doing quite well, so what's the problem? I really don't think AbbVie is on the verge of collapse or being bought out by Gilead, so just stop!

Haven’t worked with or talked to anyone who actually hates AbbVie as much as these anonymous posts, so I’m starting to think it’s other companies blasting AbbVie with propaganda and negative rhetoric. If this is actually the case, WOW that’s sad.

Occasionally someone from Abbvie will actually post on this board. And even less occasionally, it will be something productive. Enjoy!

Worst place to work. Boys club. Parking stickers that are color coded according to your salary range. Handlers for higher-ups. HR reps that are sorority girls without souls. CEO who lied on resume and not only gave himself a degree, but an ADVANCED degree and the company said it was an “administrative error.” Egos the size of Texas. Special treatment for higher grade levels. An environment of ladder climbing and ruthless money grubbing, nanny hiring, suits that care more about their climb than human beings. A place where women are paid less. A place where the scientists are actually treated with less respect than the ego maniac commercial people, if you can call them people. A holding place for people who think the AbbVie zip-code is the only thing to aspire to; the only place in the world. A sad beige place where douche bags rule and words like “synergy” and “transparency” are thrown around in meeting after meeting.
AbbVie...fucking...blows. Unless you have no soul. Then-carry on...

This one definitely works at the home office...100%. This post made those in the know chuckle for sure.

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