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Does anyone like working for Amgen anymore?


I have an offer letter with another company and I plan to resign from Amgen soon. It will be a great relief and a pleasure to leave this company, since there is only one thing they repsect....$$$.

No one's been happy here (except the consultants/MBA's/excessive Directors/etc) since the George M. induced big-pharma restructuring back in 2001.
Wall Street isn't stupid. You can't bloat the expense side of the balance sheet with more entries than the 3-4 fold increase in revenue and expect net income to look good. Secondly, G.M. is the poster child of over promise and under delivering (check his comments from the old Glaxo days @ GSK website)
One of their little sycophant cronies (J Daley) recently said: " it's not how many times you get knocked down, it's how many times you get up" well I don't believe the stockholders should give these clowns another chance to get up and lose us more of our hard earned money!

6 of my 7 sets of options are worth ZERO. And these aren't recently issued.
Meanwhile, upper management seemed to "know" when to cash out.
If it smells like a rat.................

With all of the noise and tough times at hand with Amgen, does anyone out there still like selling for them??

SELLING??? Seriously the reps here are the laughing stock of the biotech world as there is NO selling going on. They are like a bunch of robots providing contracts and the lowest possible price. Nobody sells here as the point of sales is 100% based on price and nothing more. Who will give the deeper discounts J&J or Amgen.

Ask any recruiter/ manager in the biotech industry what the reputation is of an Amgen rep regarding selling. Its a total and absolute joke and thats being polite. The funny part is they all know it too but I dont blame them if someone wants to pay me good moeny to do nothing I would do it too. Thats only if I was incapable of doing anything else like most of them.

Recruiter here.....just checking out Amgen's website to find out why I have so many Amgen resumes on my desk. Man.....life sucks there, I guess...based on the above posts. The worst is the number of NE Neph resumes that are hanging around. That must be a horrible place to be. Fill me in so I can help!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, only the ones that are "left-behind", because there's no where else to go!

All the ethical people are gone, they either quit or were fired. Which has magically turned out to be a BIG Plus +++++++ on thier Resume.

Nobody in the Rx industry wants these decietful dirtbags.....Don't waste your time....

Yes, only the ones that are "left-behind", because there's no where else to go!

All the ethical people are gone, they either quit or were fired. Which has magically turned out to be a BIG Plus +++++++ on thier Resume.

Nobody in the Rx industry wants these decietful dirtbags.....Don't waste your time....

Sooooo funny to read this. I left Amgen 2 years ago for another (albeit amazing) company. I am now in management and have rec'd many Amgen resumes from headhunters. My Co. won't even consider them.....referring to them now as "desparate". Strange how tables turn. Thank God I left when I did. Otherwise, I would be the laughing stock of the Industry like all Amgenites are now. Stay put people. Ypu don't have a prayer anywhere else.

Sooooo funny to read this. I left Amgen 2 years ago for another (albeit amazing) company. I am now in management and have rec'd many Amgen resumes from headhunters. My Co. won't even consider them.....referring to them now as "desparate". Strange how tables turn. Thank God I left when I did. Otherwise, I would be the laughing stock of the Industry like all Amgenites are now. Stay put people. Ypu don't have a prayer anywhere else.

Bullshit. You are not a manager. You are probably some loser that we didn't hire and you are working in some little piece of shit company as a low level assistant. Your pissed because we only hire the best and the brightest and you aren't it. Get off the board and get your boss a cup of coffee. Moron.

Bullshit. You are not a manager. You are probably some loser that we didn't hire and you are working in some little piece of shit company as a low level assistant. Your pissed because we only hire the best and the brightest and you aren't it. Get off the board and get your boss a cup of coffee. Moron.


Bullshit. You are not a manager. You are probably some loser that we didn't hire and you are working in some little piece of shit company as a low level assistant. Your pissed because we only hire the best and the brightest and you aren't it. Get off the board and get your boss a cup of coffee. Moron.
The best and brightest comment is an out and out misrepresentation of your reps. The reps in my area are contracting robots and on more than one occasion I've had doctors and nurses tell me that their Amgen reps are clueless when it comes to the clinical aspects of the drugs they are selling (what they said was actually worse but I'm being nice)

The best and brightest comment is an out and out misrepresentation of your reps. The reps in my area are contracting robots and on more than one occasion I've had doctors and nurses tell me that their Amgen reps are clueless when it comes to the clinical aspects of the drugs they are selling (what they said was actually worse but I'm being nice)

Again, please get me a cup of coffee on the double.

sg is still the dm in cal...go figure..how many people have to leave either on their own accord or not for the company to realize how toxic this woman is?

Yes, I did work for this toxic manager at a previous company she was at. An outside HR company flew us reps in and her to figure out the high turnover. Every last one of her reps quit her district and then they finallly let her go. She is very mainpulating. She has been let go from Lilly and Serono as a DM. Just start a thread on Serono about her and the ones who are still left will rip her a new one. She is two faced and will stab you in the back to upper mgt and anyone and everyone! Horrible Manager--no one is sure how she got the DM job with Amgen..Amgen HR obviuosly did not do a background check on her... Very insecure woman.....