I used to really like my current company when I first started 4 years ago. I had a great manager, won our sales award twice, had great relationships with my drs and could still enjot a social life because I wasn't overly bogged down with admin and late nights...especially after we couldn't do dinners anymore here. Once we merged with another company and started going through rounds of layoffs, I lost my territory, lost a great manager, and now I'm afraid I'll loose my job with all the layoffs and pending layoffs . . . . but whenever an opportunity comes up, I do some digging with other reps and they either have nothing positive to say about the company or else they are going through the same pending layoff situation we are here. So the questions is....what companies do reps still enjoy working for these days? Seriously. I would like to leave the stress of thinking we are going to wake up to another massive layoff, but I want to go somewhere I'd enjoy and eventually move into managment.