Does anyone know the firing process at forest?


My manager keeps threatening to fire me but hasn't pulled the trigger yet. (hes a jerk btw)
Although my numbers are bad, my nose is clean in every other way. I have a family that depends on my income and benefits. I'm just trying to find out what the time frame is before I'm collecting unemployment. Thanks for ur help.

They usually will not fire you until they have quite a paper trail. Unless you make some major violation (compliance, expense, dui, etc.), they will start the process with a letter of concern followed by a warning letter and then possibly a probation letter before firing most people. The process can take anywhere from 6-12 months, and you can tell how fast they want to get rid of someone by how quickly they go through the steps.


The above is NOT correct. I know a rep in Oklahoma that has had MULTIPLE letters of concern and not a thing has happened. I'm not sure there is something you can do that will get you fired, short of having the cops called on you by a physicians office. Oh wait, that Oklahoma rep DID have the cops called out because of him. So yep, guess its DAMN hard to get fired.

I know one rep who was 'in the process' for 2 years before they were fired. It does take a long time baring any big screw up. What usually happens is most people just get fed up and find another job. But one of the above posts is right. Keep your nose clean, stomach your jerk manager, do your job and you are ok for a while. You might want to start looking around, but you have pleanty of time at this point. Best way to do it is (if you can-I understand there are several factors to this) get your numbers at least average. They usually start to leave you alone at that point. I've been in your exact shoes.

My manager keeps threatening to fire me but hasn't pulled the trigger yet. (hes a jerk btw)
Although my numbers are bad, my nose is clean in every other way. I have a family that depends on my income and benefits. I'm just trying to find out what the time frame is before I'm collecting unemployment. Thanks for ur help.

consider involving legal representation immediatey. Any form of threatening creates a hostile work environment and his essential job duty is astually to mange the performance of his emplyees not threaten them. So essentially he is failing in his job as well.

A lawyer can't do much for you as we are "at will" employees. We can leave or be fired at anytime for no reason. That being said, most of the above posts are accurate; if they want/plan to fire you, they will start some sort of warning or concern letterto cover themselves *just in case*. It can take months or years for the entire process and most people do choose to leave during this time, which is ultimately what Forest wants. They would rather employees quit than fire them, since firing people forces them to have to pay unemployment and exposes them to possible law suits (which they will most likely win since it is "at will" as I previously mentioned, but any time/money consumed by law suits is a loss in the eyes of a company).

Good luck improving your relationship with your manager. Most of the mgrs now at Forest are inexperienced, butt-kissing a-holes, and will do whatever they are told by their RD. Once you have that target on your back it can be really hard to get back out from under the radar. :/ Not impossible, I have seen it happen, but probably not likely.

A lawyer can't do much for you as we are "at will" employees. We can leave or be fired at anytime for no reason. That being said, most of the above posts are accurate; if they want/plan to fire you, they will start some sort of warning or concern letterto cover themselves *just in case*. It can take months or years for the entire process and most people do choose to leave during this time, which is ultimately what Forest wants. They would rather employees quit than fire them, since firing people forces them to have to pay unemployment and exposes them to possible law suits (which they will most likely win since it is "at will" as I previously mentioned, but any time/money consumed by law suits is a loss in the eyes of a company).

Good luck improving your relationship with your manager. Most of the mgrs now at Forest are inexperienced, butt-kissing a-holes, and will do whatever they are told by their RD. Once you have that target on your back it can be really hard to get back out from under the radar. :/ Not impossible, I have seen it happen, but probably not likely.

Congratulations for understanding the term "at-will" employee/employer. Now look up harrassment. These are two different concepts and completely unrelated. Being threatened at work is not a acceptable practice by any labor standard. If the manager has a true reason to fire a person, the must go through the proper channels, not just threaten them.

Most managers in pharma are idiots. They think they are all high rollers and executive caliber.

You're better off resigning, look at the HR link and it's policies. Unemployment is less than $500 a week no matter what. Fight what you can, take leave, once you're targeted you have about a 1% chance of regaining good status. If you're not new and you get under a 3.0 on your eval more than once, you're on the hit list. Sincerity, the right thing, and character are irrelevant here. Apparently our dysfunctional political system is so attractive and productive Forest is using it as a business model. fml

Oh joy, attempting to say anyone with a blank blankety
blank a hole manager who scores them twice under a three (subjectively) isn't eligible for severance package. That seems fair. Kill me

You're better off resigning, look at the HR link and it's policies. Unemployment is less than $500 a week no matter what. Fight what you can, take leave, once you're targeted you have about a 1% chance of regaining good status. If you're not new and you get under a 3.0 on your eval more than once, you're on the hit list. Sincerity, the right thing, and character are irrelevant here. Apparently our dysfunctional political system is so attractive and productive Forest is using it as a business model. fml

The answer to the OP's question is not so simple. Some have said it takes 6 months to be fired - not true. What about the people that were let go after being with the company for 6 months (the probationary period)? You don't think that at day one they decided they wanted to fire the very person they hired do you? Oh, and quitting - bad idea if you want unemployment. You will not get unemployment if you CHOOSE to leave! Unemployment is like poverty level income but better than nothing. The above poster has some good points, but I would advise against resigning. That is what they want you to do!