Does anyone know if Forest will reveal eligibility for rehire info?


I was fired from Forest for poor performance and I am interviewing for a job. My new job is doing a background check and they want to ask Forest if I am eligible for rehire. Does anyone know what information Forest gives out concerning previous employment? I appreciate any help...

9 times out of 10 you're old company will not reveal that information. Most companies (esp. pharma) are very conservative and will only give out dates of employment. I think that there's a law that a company cannot interfere with a former employee seeking employment.

Tell them voluntary resignation. ALWAYS!

Make some shit up. You got sick, You needed to go out of the country, you became a consultant anything dude

This part is where I screwed up. I was honest and put involuntary resignation. Now the potential employer is trying to get me to sign an authorization that releases Forest from liability if they reveal information about me. I'm screwed I guess. I really need this job. I wonder if I sign the authorization what Forest will say. Perhaps they will still only give information about dates of employment and nothing negative?