Does any lab actually pay??


Sort of at my wits end now. Hey have god I had a full time job on the side. Submitted over 500 swabs for Medicare patients, and the samples were run, but the lab didn’t get paid on the samples, and as a result I didn’t. I think Labs is being truthful, just frustrated with this field. Also, submitted well over 600 commercial samples, but once again, patients didn’t pay deductible so none of the samples got paid. Currently those accounts are at collections, but you guys already know how that goes. Just venting, but am clearly fed up with this lab nonsense.


There are a handful of good labs out there that know how to run their businesses ethically and compliantly.

....not many, but they are out there!

There are sites that rate vendors based upon rep's experiences. I would check one of those out.

! jk

Some traditional sites like glassdoor have reviews. There is also a site that is a job board that has a rating system based on rep feedback.

My lab pays for legitimate work that is we are able to get paid from insurance on. Non of the crap you 1099/Marketing companies are peddling. Also, no outrageous 20% commissions. A normal W2 commission is paid. Times have changed, cuts are killing everyone and all the labs that paid 20% are going bankrupt. The reps need to get realistic about what you can make. The days of labs paying high commissions is over. You want to get paid, go out everyday and close work that is reimbursable. you don't want to get paid, work 2 days per week, sign up all the shit accounts you can, have your lab collect on 1/3 of the samples and then cry when you can't get paid. Also stop with the OON shit. That is dying too! You need a In network status in this day and age. If you don't want to work find another line of business.