Does an outside applicant have a chance if against current Merck/former Merck rep?


I have an interview with Merck for an OPH specialty position. I understand that many current and former Merck reps are also interviewing. Realistically do I stand a chance or am I just wasting my time? It seems that many jobs are filled before they are posted anymore and others are interviewed just to check the box. I'm still going to give it my best shot but need to know what the pattern has been in these situations in the past.


Re: Does an outside applicant have a chance if against current Merck/former Merck rep

Past patterns are more irrelevent now more than ever. Read this board to determine if insiders feel anymore special than outsiders. Go for it - just remember that is is a job that will one day end.

Re: Does an outside applicant have a chance if against current Merck/former Merck rep

I have an interview with Merck for an OPH specialty position. I understand that many current and former Merck reps are also interviewing. Realistically do I stand a chance or am I just wasting my time? It seems that many jobs are filled before they are posted anymore and others are interviewed just to check the box. I'm still going to give it my best shot but need to know what the pattern has been in these situations in the past.

Not ophthalmic but I know of some positions that were re-posted several times including just internally. Good luck to you (seriously). It might be a "valid" IV it might not. Just do your best and I hope you walk away satisfied with your performance and you have a fair chance.

Re: Does an outside applicant have a chance if against current Merck/former Merck rep

Not ophthalmic but I know of some positions that were re-posted several times including just internally. Good luck to you (seriously). It might be a "valid" IV it might not. Just do your best and I hope you walk away satisfied with your performance and you have a fair chance.

Thanks for both of the above kind responses. It can be frustrating to spend so much time and effort prepping for an interview when the position is already filled. Love working in OPH and hope I get the chance to continue. As for the first reply... Ain't it the truth. I think all of us feel like temporary employees in the current climate regardless of the company.

Re: Does an outside applicant have a chance if against current Merck/former Merck rep

I have an interview with Merck for an OPH specialty position. I understand that many current and former Merck reps are also interviewing. Realistically do I stand a chance or am I just wasting my time? It seems that many jobs are filled before they are posted anymore and others are interviewed just to check the box. I'm still going to give it my best shot but need to know what the pattern has been in these situations in the past.

There are a lot of former merck reps....what company did u work for or do you work for? Since you didn't post an area its still anonymous.

Re: Does an outside applicant have a chance if against current Merck/former Merck rep

If an outside representative gets a job, will they be employed by Merck or will they be Inventiv reps? Also, a friend of mine who recently applied for a position was told the maximum salary they could offer was $70,000, no matter how many awards and years of service. Is this true? if so, even for Specialty?

Re: Does an outside applicant have a chance if against current Merck/former Merck rep

OK that the $70,000 cap worries you. Of course, many would gladly settle for that - especially when Merck's excellent track record for job stability is taken into consideration. Don't forget to negotiate a beneficial severance package along with your hiring bonus.

Re: Does an outside applicant have a chance if against current Merck/former Merck rep

sure. merck has no loyalty to former/current reps.

I once respected Merck. Now I believe Merck has dissed me and I will work well out of my way to diss it back. Angry- you bet. As I have sold all of my shares, now I can actually root for the company to keep falling down and hopefully it will not recover and perhaps be the victim of someone else's "reverse" merger.

Re: Does an outside applicant have a chance if against current Merck/former Merck rep

Yes you have a chance if you are cheaper to Merck in starting pay and benefits. They may pick you over the current pool of former Merck reps because you are more trainable. Merck wants people who don't ask too many questions and just execute.

Re: Does an outside applicant have a chance if against current Merck/former Merck rep

OK that the $70,000 cap worries you. Of course, many would gladly settle for that - especially when Merck's excellent track record for job stability is taken into consideration. Don't forget to negotiate a beneficial severance package along with your hiring bonus.

Shows you how much value and possibilities you'll have, ambitious need not apply.