Does Amarin have a scientific team?

aweeee r u throwing a temper tantrum because it didn’t go your way! Looser!

Why? they are selling fish oil available over the counter!!! This product masquerades as a pharmaceutical product
This is a joke. why don't they put vitamin C thru the FDA ?
Do you even know what Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) is? - notice is doeant say Vascepa ( OM3 FA)

What CVOT out there hit a 5 point MACE? What CV drug reduces total events by 30%? What CV product out there is nearly as safe and effective in a general population type? What big pharmaceutical company doesnt want to buy Vascepa?

Learn the science behind the molecule. Heres the PI: ;)

The data is good, no doubt. You forgot to mention that Vascepa was an add on to an already proven therapy: statins.
With the addition of another 25 - 33% reduction in events. Talking down about this drug is simply ignorant considering what top doctors and scientists have to say about it. And yes, the latest trial was run on top of statins, but does that mean that there is no benefit without statins? It would be quite a stretch, and a dishonest one to say there probably isn't.

With the addition of another 25 - 33% reduction in events. Talking down about this drug is simply ignorant considering what top doctors and scientists have to say about it. And yes, the latest trial was run on top of statins, but does that mean that there is no benefit without statins? It would be quite a stretch, and a dishonest one to say there probably isn't.

Obviously you have never had formal training in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. It's possible that Vascepa and Statins have an additive or Multiplicative effect when combined. Which would mean that without the statin in the system, the Vascepa does little to nothing. We don't have data on it, but that's a VERY possible scenario.

Obviously you have never had formal training in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. It's possible that Vascepa and Statins have an additive or Multiplicative effect when combined. Which would mean that without the statin in the system, the Vascepa does little to nothing. We don't have data on it, but that's a VERY possible scenario.
MOA is slowly being annouced. The CV benefits have little or nothing to do with statins. EPA was studied in the JELIS trial and showed positive benefits w/o statin therapy. That is what sparked the REDUCE-IT trial. The CV benefit is linked to EPA serum levels.

The Jelis patients, all of them, were run in with a minimum of a dozen jelly donuts over a 2 day period in all arms of the Jelis trial. It’s a known fact in Japan jelly donuts are a dietary staple in the country of the rising sun, Japan.