I hope you are sincere about the fact that you just didn't know. I am having a good deal of trouble accepting that, but I will give it a chance.
I feel your remarks in your post were a direct attack on me and my chosen religion. Here's why:
In your post, you said:
Here is the crap he will be pedaling. How Israel got started as a Nation and chosen by god.
You attached a link to a file which is basically a summary of the Old Testament books of Ruth and Esther from a Christian point of view.
Now here's the point.
You referred to two of the basic articles of my Jewish faith as "crap"! How could I NOT be offended?
It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, Jews do. God's gift of the Ten Commandments to Moses is crap??? The Jewish belief that God gave us the Land of Israel is crap??? The story of Esther is crap???
You attached a link to a discussion of the Books of Ruth and Esther from a Christian point of view. Esther and Ruth are Old Testament books both of which are the celebrated every year with two major holidays. We Jews have lots of holidays.
Ruth was Jacob's daughter. Jacob was one of the founders of Judaism. One of Ruth's descendents was King David, the first Jewish king of Israel. When we pray we recite:
"Blessed art though Oh Lord our God, King of the Universe. God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob."
We read the Book of Ruth every year during the holiday called "Shavuot", which is our celebration of God's gift of the Ten Commandments to Moses.
The Book of Esther is our celebration of the miracle which ended the "Babylonian Captivity" when Jews were taken to ancient Persia and enslaved. The holiday we celebrate is "Purim".
Today I had a long telephone conversation with my Rabbi about the things you said. He told me that in his view you are a Nazi, and I should not even try to explain things to you. I hope he was wrong