Do you want to LAUGH your ass off? Seriously


My wife has her call and she keeps her job

She comes up to the bedroom and the first thing she says is

" My territory changed"

Are you Fn kidding me? You selfish ungrateful twat

No fn shit your territory was going to change they are hacking a shit load of people.

I don't get "hey honey I kept my job wanna go to lunch and celebrate "

No I get

"My territory changed"

Ha hahahahahaha Unbelievable!!


They'll be plenty of these knuckleheaded stories...gee, I've got to drive an extra 15 miles to the next town now, my cal lplans changed, changed mangers on me, or the best one yet..gee, why couldn't I have been let go? (really?)...remember its always about you.

My wife has her call and she keeps her job

She comes up to the bedroom and the first thing she says is

" My territory changed"

Are you Fn kidding me? You selfish ungrateful twat

No fn shit your territory was going to change they are hacking a shit load of people.

I don't get "hey honey I kept my job wanna go to lunch and celebrate "

No I get

"My territory changed"

Ha hahahahahaha Unbelievable!!

WOW, and you must LOVE your wife to be talking about her like that… STAY CLASSY CP

I actually said those exact words to her

Yea been married a long time....oh we will get drunk later and laugh

will you?

Oh yes, I frequently get drunk with your wife and laugh....mostly about you and your "short comings". But you are right, she is a dumb b**ch, but she is fun when we have to travel!

Different state, different mate!

My wife has her call and she keeps her job

She comes up to the bedroom and the first thing she says is

" My territory changed"

Are you Fn kidding me? You selfish ungrateful twat

No fn shit your territory was going to change they are hacking a shit load of people.

I don't get "hey honey I kept my job wanna go to lunch and celebrate "

No I get

"My territory changed"

Ha hahahahahaha Unbelievable!!


Oh yes, I frequently get drunk with your wife and laugh....mostly about you and your "short comings". But you are right, she is a dumb b**ch, but she is fun when we have to travel!

Different state, different mate!

Tremendous post! I wish I knew who you were; we'd write one hell of a funny movie script. Never lose the wit.