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Do we put phenol in our insulin?

yes, but everyone does and has for as long as commerical insulin has been produced, best i can tell. basically it helps keep it (insulin protein) dissovled and soluabilized-stable, or something like that. if you have ever "smelled insulin"....it's the phenol or phenol derivative you smell, sort of a strong distinct, alochol-like smell.

that is untrue. Afrezza has none

But I know, Afrezza, although superior and only in class, is Sanofi property now.

So much for science and medicine.

satanic big pharma

Oh give us a break. We basically own Indianapolis and most of Indiana. We control more than you think. Why? Because we are nice people. Nahhhhh.... we LOVE money.

Don't you?

Did you know that in the old days, it was called carbolic acid, because it cause burns to the flesh. How LOVELY to inject into the flesh.

Nice job Lilly formulators. You must have Ivy League PhDs