Do they want the reps to quit?


The only way a company would treat their sales reps this bad is if they truly want them all to quit - avoiding severance packages. It's that simple.

If not, get JC & TM out of the driver's seat and bring in real pharma executives to finally get this company on track. How do these guys keep their jobs? If ANY exec at Merck or Pfizer had their track record, they would be fired and escorted out of the building by security. It's that simple.
I think your right. Id people quit they don’t have to declare a “layoff” and they stock price is not impacted.

The place is a disaster however for those that don’t quit there will be a severance soon at least according to TM. TM is commenting in the halls how he is “orchestrating a deal” for a partner to manage Surfaxin.
I think your right. If people quit they don’t have to declare a “layoff” and the stock price is not impacted by a disclosure.

The place is a disaster however for those that don’t quit there will be a severance soon at least according to TM. TM is commenting in the halls how he is “orchestrating a deal” for a partner to manage Surfaxin.

As far as JC and TM yes they are clueless however decisions are being made by Lisa now and she is far from knowledgeable when it comes to formulary and a product that is not physician preference. But she’s making $$$$$ billing by the hour and at the end of the day thats how she measures success; Cha Ching!
Tom is making deals? Are you kidding me? If the BOD is allowing him to even come in each day, then shame on them. Really? LMAO!!!! He could not orchestrate a bowler movement. Please!
Unbelievable. TM is the one who screwed up the Neoprofen deal that would have been a perfect fit-instead Ony got the co-promote. Someone do us all a favor and keep that guy in the lab and out of the board room.
Severance??? Ha! Last April when they laid off 12 reps some of them got 2 weeks pay - the max was 30 days. That is SO WRONG. TM, why don't you give up some of your grossly overpaid salary to the sales force that is paying the price for your catastrophic mistakes??
Truer words were never spoken. There's a chance this product and a great team could cease to exist over one man's poor decisions. I sincerely hope the BOD allows us to start over with new direction. Keep TM away from strategy. My territory is very close to being successful despite all of the things working against me. I have a strong sales record with other companies. But I had fair and correct planning and leaders with launch experience at the top. Sickening to think a sales team could have designed the correct launch plan better than DSCO leaders. Now I've got to explain why I'm leaving (or was laid off) DSCO in an interview. Very sickening to think fat cats at top will keep their jobs for screwing up what could have been a game changer in NICU. And I'm the one who loses my job? Please explain.
What if a real biotech company buys the rights to Surfaxin, retains the commercial team (minus TM) and relaunches the drug? It could happen. It would be nice to go to another company that knows how to launch a drug without having to interview and change jobs, etc. For what the sales team has endured, it would be well deserved. As for the leadership team, I need to give Karma a list of people it missed.