Do they still think we are this stupid?


To believe their BS conference calls, e-mails, fake smiles, shallow words that they care about the sales force and people.

These two were brought in for one reason and that is the bottom line and bottom line only, fake development classes, dinners and lunches with reps is a facade and allows them to tell a good story on a slide.

Do they really think we are that stupid that we will just sty focused and finish the year strong because the patients need us?

F off with that BS, our families need us, we sell to put food on the table and it disgusts us that you reap the benefits of our hard work and dedication, but so be it, it is the new Shire........I hope you enjoy it and choke on your hyper, blitzer, hitter, target lists.

To answer your question: yes. They do think we are stupid. Proof is the content of the 2 conference calls we had to address the buyout not going through.

They don't thing we are that stupid... That would imply that they actually care about you or what you think. The bottom line is theses idiots think THEY know it all and they have magic powers. Everywhere they have been, they left a mess... It will happen here also. You think maybe Abbvie saw ps & fo do their thing said .. Wtf?

They don't thing we are that stupid... That would imply that they actually care about you or what you think. The bottom line is theses idiots think THEY know it all and they have magic powers. Everywhere they have been, they left a mess... It will happen here also. You think maybe Abbvie saw ps & fo do their thing said .. Wtf?

nahhh, they backed out purely over the tax situation no longer being an advantage. But you may be on to something here. Rumors in chesterbrook say that Perry presented to Abbvie and it was embarrassing. Have you ever seen him present? He's not very good and he doesn't come across as very smart either.

The mess you speak of has already happened and my gut tells me it was planned all along.

nahhh, they backed out purely over the tax situation no longer being an advantage. But you may be on to something here. Rumors in chesterbrook say that Perry presented to Abbvie and it was embarrassing. Have you ever seen him present? He's not very good and he doesn't come across as very smart either.

The mess you speak of has already happened and my gut tells me it was planned all along.

#field forth

nahhh, they backed out purely over the tax situation no longer being an advantage. But you may be on to something here. Rumors in chesterbrook say that Perry presented to Abbvie and it was embarrassing. Have you ever seen him present? He's not very good and he doesn't come across as very smart either.

The mess you speak of has already happened and my gut tells me it was planned all along.

Any "respect for people " has been banned by theses fools ; unless you are part of the club, then they will find a job you are unqualified for and do not even have the brain / people skills to handle ... How does it happen over and over again? How did our board allow this, not hard to check the internet... Negligence !