Do the right thing....for a change.


In light of the DOJ's investigation of Brilinta. AZ should pull this drug from the world wide market. If the investigation reveals no falcification of the PLATO study then bring it back. The history of AZ is paved with less than ethical behavior. I don't need to spell them all out for you you know what I'm talking about. We have new senior leaders. Let them show the world that senior leaders of AZ will not tolerate less than ethical behavior. Now I'm a realist. I know all the leaders of this company care about is profits. This won't happen. Ethics left this company a long time ago and this current group of "leaders" are no different.

Show me wrong. Are there any ethics Left at AZ? I really really wonder.

In light of the DOJ's investigation of Brilinta. AZ should pull this drug from the world wide market. If the investigation reveals no falcification of the PLATO study then bring it back. The history of AZ is paved with less than ethical behavior. I don't need to spell them all out for you you know what I'm talking about. We have new senior leaders. Let them show the world that senior leaders of AZ will not tolerate less than ethical behavior. Now I'm a realist. I know all the leaders of this company care about is profits. This won't happen. Ethics left this company a long time ago and this current group of "leaders" are no different.

Show me wrong. Are there any ethics Left at AZ? I really really wonder.

Ethics? Hahahahahahaha

In light of the DOJ's investigation of Brilinta. AZ should pull this drug from the world wide market. If the investigation reveals no falcification of the PLATO study then bring it back. The history of AZ is paved with less than ethical behavior. I don't need to spell them all out for you you know what I'm talking about. We have new senior leaders. Let them show the world that senior leaders of AZ will not tolerate less than ethical behavior. Now I'm a realist. I know all the leaders of this company care about is profits. This won't happen. Ethics left this company a long time ago and this current group of "leaders" are no different.

Show me wrong. Are there any ethics Left at AZ? I really really wonder.

I'm also retired from this company. I agree with this comment and also ashamed to say I worked for AstraZeneca. Do the right thing Frenchie.

In light of the DOJ's investigation of Brilinta. AZ should pull this drug from the world wide market. If the investigation reveals no falcification of the PLATO study then bring it back. The history of AZ is paved with less than ethical behavior. I don't need to spell them all out for you you know what I'm talking about. We have new senior leaders. Let them show the world that senior leaders of AZ will not tolerate less than ethical behavior. Now I'm a realist. I know all the leaders of this company care about is profits. This won't happen. Ethics left this company a long time ago and this current group of "leaders" are no different.

Show me wrong. Are there any ethics Left at AZ? I really really wonder.

Brilinta has been a disappointment as it is. Market analysts have revised estimates of this drug and now doubt it will do one billion. To pull it now would mean certain death and could it even make a come back? After reading the FDA concerns regarding Plato the drugs days may be numbered anyway if there is any substance to the charges.

The federal government has unlimited funds and wins 95% of their cases. I agree-Senior leadership needs to do the right thing and withdraw this drug from the world market.

Withdrawal of brilinta by AZ will NEVER happen! They will gladly pay the fine and move on with their lies and deceit. That's how AZ does business. Look at Seroquel. The amoutn of the fine(s) was nothing compared to how much AZ made off the drug. We sold it off label daily, got caught and paid out a few bucks. No big deal. That's how AZ works. The feds will fine us a few hundred million, but will leave this POS drug on the market.

If the Feds really want to send a message to AZ, instead of a simple fine and yet another Corporate Integrity Agreement, they should pull the drug from the market. THAT will get their attention!

Withdrawal of brilinta by AZ will NEVER happen! They will gladly pay the fine and move on with their lies and deceit. That's how AZ does business. Look at Seroquel. The amoutn of the fine(s) was nothing compared to how much AZ made off the drug. We sold it off label daily, got caught and paid out a few bucks. No big deal. That's how AZ works. The feds will fine us a few hundred million, but will leave this POS drug on the market.

If the Feds really want to send a message to AZ, instead of a simple fine and yet another Corporate Integrity Agreement, they should pull the drug from the market. THAT will get their attention!

Quite a big difference when Seroquel brought in BILLIONS and Brilinta barely scrapes the bottom.

Withdrawal of brilinta by AZ will NEVER happen! They will gladly pay the fine and move on with their lies and deceit. That's how AZ does business. Look at Seroquel. The amoutn of the fine(s) was nothing compared to how much AZ made off the drug. We sold it off label daily, got caught and paid out a few bucks. No big deal. That's how AZ works. The feds will fine us a few hundred million, but will leave this POS drug on the market.

If the Feds really want to send a message to AZ, instead of a simple fine and yet another Corporate Integrity Agreement, they should pull the drug from the market. THAT will get their attention!

Marketing of Brilinta is based off the data from the Plato trial and patients are receiving the drug based on approval from that information. If it is determined that the data was skewed, how do you leave the drug on the market with just a fine? The foundation of using the drug would be due to misinformation.

The FDA was already on the fence. How many complete response letters were sent? A little bit of hidden data may have been enough to give the nod and tip the scales toward approval. If proven, tampering with data that could mean less clinical benefit or even negative patient outcomes should be a big deal.

Marketing of Brilinta is based off the data from the Plato trial and patients are receiving the drug based on approval from that information. If it is determined that the data was skewed, how do you leave the drug on the market with just a fine? The foundation of using the drug would be due to misinformation.

The FDA was already on the fence. How many complete response letters were sent? A little bit of hidden data may have been enough to give the nod and tip the scales toward approval. If proven, tampering with data that could mean less clinical benefit or even negative patient outcomes should be a big deal.

I think the OP is right. If AZ has any ethics at all they should pull the drug from the market. If after the DOJ investigation and perhaps trial people responsible should do JAIL TIME. I'm not talking about some sales rep doing what they were told and unknown to them that the data was false. I'm talking those who made the decision to falcify the data.

How about if you're on it and you like it? How ethical is that? Then you hear, maybe there were big lies told and it's not safe. There's an ethical issue whether or not you pull the drug.

The ethics are in the lies told. The fact that AZ has been found guilty over and over and over and over of telling big lies, then they pay a big fine and stay in business -- no one is fired, the executives remain in charge -- the representatives are run through the hoops in a mockery of making amends for wrongdoing ...

The cure for corruption is for the government to actually take over the management of AZ. There is a good chance something new might be discovered. Government is good at academia, and police / military. If you thing you're going to impose morality on people who make $10,000,000.00 in salary a year, like AZ's top dogs, you're living on Pluto.

Some very good points by the poster above. However The Frenchie is fairly new one year tenure with this company. He should make a clean slate and pull the product worldwide and show the world that this leadership at AZ will not tolerate unethical behavior.

I mean if you hire a guy and find out he's a convicted bank robber, but he went through a CIA agreement but then three more times was accused of being a bank robber but nobody proved anything and he paid 10 million dollars in retribution, do you really expect integrity?

There is no integrity in the enforcement, so forgetaboutit if you thing AZ if about to change an iota.

Stay healthy. If anyone wants to put you on a medicine, take one that has been out ther efor 40 years. Never allow anyone to inject anything in to your body (especially now that AZ has sold off its dental division. I like being numbed to the dentist's drill. I might have demanded a generic if AZ was still supplying novocaine. No telling what the AZ management would allow happen to that. (And if any of youse guys in the factory talk up, you're outta heres!)

Come on DOJ!! Get off your lazy government asses and put these crooked bastards in jail!! A few hundred million in fines means nothing to these assholes!! JAIL EM' ALL AND DO IT FAST!!!

In light of the DOJ's investigation of Brilinta. AZ should pull this drug from the world wide market. If the investigation reveals no falcification of the PLATO study then bring it back. The history of AZ is paved with less than ethical behavior. I don't need to spell them all out for you you know what I'm talking about. We have new senior leaders. Let them show the world that senior leaders of AZ will not tolerate less than ethical behavior. Now I'm a realist. I know all the leaders of this company care about is profits. This won't happen. Ethics left this company a long time ago and this current group of "leaders" are no different.

Show me wrong. Are there any ethics Left at AZ? I really really wonder.

I don't disagree that morally AZ should pull the drug IF the allegations are true and assuming leadership knew, but even if they were true I doubt it would happen and here's why. To do so would be seen as an admission of wrong doing. Even when AZ has paid huge fines in the past the disclaimer has been that doing so was not an admission of guilt or wrong doing. The share price would also plumet as a result and the relationship of the company with the medical community would be further tarnished.

The drug is on the market and you play the cards you are dealt. Perhaps even call the FDA's bluff and see where it goes.

I don't disagree that morally AZ should pull the drug IF the allegations are true and assuming leadership knew, but even if they were true I doubt it would happen and here's why. To do so would be seen as an admission of wrong doing. Even when AZ has paid huge fines in the past the disclaimer has been that doing so was not an admission of guilt or wrong doing. The share price would also plumet as a result and the relationship of the company with the medical community would be further tarnished.

The drug is on the market and you play the cards you are dealt. Perhaps even call the FDA's bluff and see where it goes.

Major dittos: The moral police -- gubment -- who impose fines as penalties, should emphatically not allow those required to pay the fines to also claim that they did no wrong. It is another layer of utter corruption. This kind of shit should not stand, at all.

What the fuck are you paying the fine for? Oh, so as to avoid a lawsuit? Eat shit! Not allowed, we're in charge here, assholes. Either admit it and pay up, or your ass is in court. We're in charge here, got it?

Bigpharma is run under government protection. AZ is falling off of a cliff due to the long term outcome of that.

Nothing will change until the government either gets all the way in, or all the way out. It's almost all in, Obama wants it, and AZ + every other can't decide which side to take, because the decision makers want their paychecks!!

The free market is the only way forward, but forget it. AZ should be thrown out of the USA. No product they offer is unique or necessary, at all. Fuck 'em, back across the pond. They should have to pay us in order to access our huge market.

Bigpharma is run under government protection. AZ is falling off of a cliff due to the long term outcome of that.

Nothing will change until the government either gets all the way in, or all the way out. It's almost all in, Obama wants it, and AZ + every other can't decide which side to take, because the decision makers want their paychecks!!

The free market is the only way forward, but forget it. AZ should be thrown out of the USA. No product they offer is unique or necessary, at all. Fuck 'em, back across the pond. They should have to pay us in order to access our huge market.
Remember that most of the same people who designed the Jupiter strategy are still in leadership positions. So why would you think that things would change? These are the same people that demanded scalps of DSMs, PSSs and RSDs after AZ was investigated for Jupiter when it was their doings all along.