Do the Right Thing and Keep Employees Safe


When is Kowa HQ going to do what all the other Pharma companies, including Allergan, have done and keep us working virtually from home. We are putting ourselves, our families and our HCPs at risk daily by going out in the field. Please do the right thing and allow us to work from home until COVID-19 risk goes down. PLEASE.... We have so many virtual tools now that we certainly can keep busy and maintain business.

the pressure keeps building...they say do what you can but sometimes its not enough so im just confused. awful lot of pressure. i want to feel like a valued employee bc my numbers are good and ive been here for years and years and been doing my damndest, but in all honesty im scared now constantly. virtual works really really well but i just wish there was less pressure as a whole and more emphasis on being smart.

My goodness God Bless America am I terrified. Been told to give a tug on them doorhandles and there be lots of pressure But Hay, all can do is wake up n pray to the good Lord every morning I don't get harmed.

There isn’t consistency between managers and teams. I’ve been in the top 20% for years and am leaving my house once a week to get samples to a few top offices. Remote the rest of the time.

Yes I feel the same concern that everyone is right now . It seems like management is giving very little direction, none at all . Everyone understands that we are in sales and money must be generated . At the same rate most pharma companies are allowing their reps to work from home and conduct business according to the climate of the current pandemic . Doctors understand this and have been very open to Doing business virtually .Very few offices are allowing reps and it’s just not safe yet . It seems like some managers are expecting reps to get calls like usual while others are not . Every state is different some
Much worse then others . Yet in some
Of the states with the highest spread and hospitalization more is expected in those regions . Clarity and a sense of safety is much needed .

There isn’t consistency between managers and teams. I’ve been in the top 20% for years and am leaving my house once a week to get samples to a few top offices. Remote the rest of the time.
There never has been. You talk to other reps at meetings and either you envy them or pity them. The DM can make or break this job.

this is starting to get out of control. putting myself at such risk. i can only get into a handful of places but manager keeps pushing for more. feel so pressured and stressed. im pissing docs off trying to show up every week bc its a damn pandemic and all other companies pulled reps so why are we still out there trying to kill ourselves? . if kowa cared theyd pull us from the field and trust us to continue our jobs virtually. guess they dont .

Agreed ^ We are straight up being treated like a heaping pile of trash. By our managers because enough is apparently never good enough, by our doctors because they are pissed having us stomp around in their offices every week during a pandemic, and by our company because we are being forced to risk our lives when no other company is (including our dearest counterparts, Allergan). What In The Actual F? I've tried to make sense of y'alls decisions, but this is just a complete and utter shitshow. Be Better. Do Better.

I have lost all respect for management at Kowa. How can they treat the field employees like trash that can be disposed of once we contract Covid19. We were told to be safe, what a joke! The virus is everywhere, especially in the offices we are increasingly pressured to go in. Doctors think we are idiots being in there, exposing us and them and staff. Wake up management and do the right thing. Pull us out of the field!

I always thought of Kowa as family. Family protects each other, especially now during a Pandemic. Please Kowa management, protect your family and let us work virtually from home.

I feel no pressure whatsoever. We are not being held to metrics, and are simply encouraged to do what we can. Use the tools (Veeva engage), see who you can, update the tracker(s), and be as safe as you can in the field. We can expense for scrubs, and sanitizing materials. I can see if certain DM’s are overboard on expectations as that’s always an issue, but upper management has been understanding and on our side.

What you say above is how I understood, but it is not happening that way, we are being pressured by manager to go out in the field every day and have face to face contact. I don't think upper management knows how much managers are pressuring us and how unrealistic that is. Please make a statement upper management that it is left to the safety level the employee feels there is to go out. No ride alongs as well at this time, doctors don't want more people in their offices. PLEASE!!

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