Do reps share rooms?


Honest answers please. (the new surgical sales positions) Do your reps have to share rooms at meetings? I hate that I have to ask that stupid question but it's just not something one asks when interviewing. I personally find it a huge invasion of privacy that any company in this day and age allows it, but I know that some companies still do it. I gave up the college dorm many years ago...LOL!

Honest answers please. (the new surgical sales positions) Do your reps have to share rooms at meetings? I hate that I have to ask that stupid question but it's just not something one asks when interviewing. I personally find it a huge invasion of privacy that any company in this day and age allows it, but I know that some companies still do it. I gave up the college dorm many years ago...LOL!

Yes. My recommendation is you move fast to go take a shit during our breaks. Otherwise, you'll be smelling theirs if your roommate beats you to the thrown.

Honest answers please. (the new surgical sales positions) Do your reps have to share rooms at meetings? I hate that I have to ask that stupid question but it's just not something one asks when interviewing. I personally find it a huge invasion of privacy that any company in this day and age allows it, but I know that some companies still do it. I gave up the college dorm many years ago...LOL!

No roommates, but honestly I wouldn't recommend this job at all. Do your research on Xartemis XR and ask a lot of questions with your local physicians. They will highly recommend you to not take this job. I am doing you a favor for telling you this. There is no coverage and the physicians won't see any real difference from Percocet.

No roommates, but honestly I wouldn't recommend this job at all. Do your research on Xartemis XR and ask a lot of questions with your local physicians. They will highly recommend you to not take this job. I am doing you a favor for telling you this. There is no coverage and the physicians won't see any real difference from Percocet.

Thank you for the honest and professional answer.

Honest answers please. (the new surgical sales positions) Do your reps have to share rooms at meetings? I hate that I have to ask that stupid question but it's just not something one asks when interviewing. I personally find it a huge invasion of privacy that any company in this day and age allows it, but I know that some companies still do it. I gave up the college dorm many years ago...LOL!

No roommates that is one of the best things about the job but don't be surprised if that changes eventually. I agree with the other post Xartemis doesn't have a great reputation with physicians and isn't much different then a dirt cheap Percocet. Also pharmacy stocking and keeping stocked is a huge issue and manage care coverage is not getting better actually worse since we launched

No, not many companies do share rooms anymore due to HR issues. However, this is the absolute worst company and drug I had to promote in 15 years. The drug will be close to impossible to get your pharmacies to stock and reorder, managed care is extremely limited in most markets. This is the least of your worries. XXR is clinically extremely weak. There is no abuse deterrent labeling and studies to back up anything of clinical relevance. It does not justify the added cost vs. generic percocet and your offices will be constantly bombarded with callbacks if they choose to write the product because they like you and you have been nice to them. Your major clinical selling point will be "your patients can sleep through the night" whoop di doo!!!!! I left before the last rounds of layoffs and am trying to spare someone the grief of this job. I left in the top 10% of the company in good standing. The upper management was the most ruthless I have ever witnessed. Please spare yourself and run for your life. There is better out there! Best of Luck, everyone deserves better than the treatment you will endeur!

Are we able to bring our spouse or significant other to training and does the company pay all their expenses?

Original poster here....and I did not ask this particular question. Really? Anyway, deciding on whether I want to pursue this opportunity further. I really have appreciated the candid answers regarding product issues and am concerned with that. Did speak to many pharmacies and some docs (pain docs) who said have not heard of Xartemis XR. I'm wonder why the stocking problems. I have launched products where it took a while to get the pharmacies to stock....I can understand that. What I'm concerned with is that there is an issue also with the wholesalers keeping it stocked. Also, does the company have a pharmacy initiative in place?

Original poster here....and I did not ask this particular question. Really? Anyway, deciding on whether I want to pursue this opportunity further. I really have appreciated the candid answers regarding product issues and am concerned with that. Did speak to many pharmacies and some docs (pain docs) who said have not heard of Xartemis XR. I'm wonder why the stocking problems. I have launched products where it took a while to get the pharmacies to stock....I can understand that. What I'm concerned with is that there is an issue also with the wholesalers keeping it stocked. Also, does the company have a pharmacy initiative in place?

I'm glad you had a chance to speak to many pharmacies and physicians. If you have done that, then you should have your answer. Why would you want to entertain an offer with this company. Besides being a horrible company with very poor leadership and a bad culture, the product sucks. I mean really sucks bad. Do you want to spend everyday trying to sell a product that isn't worth the extra money over Percocet? With your research you have done, I am sure you have received enough RED FLAGS to tell you to turn around and walk away from this job. Why do you worry about why the stocking problem, just know there IS a huge stocking and coverage problem. The only educated people that would take this job would be those that have no other alternatives and are desperate for a job until they can find a better job and then quit.

Percocet is available, available anywhere and is covered at Tier 1 or is cheap for cash pay patients. XXR is expensive and hardly anywhere, and has poor coverage. So XXR lasts 12 hrs. Big deal. What til you have a heavy hitting surgeon (that you waited forever to see or have lunch with) tell you that they don't give a shit that the patient has to get up at 2 am to take a pain pill, and that XXR's dosing is not flexible enough, that they don't know how the patient is progressing because there is only 1 dose and timing schedule. They gauge a surgical patient's pain level and recovery on how often and how many pain pills they take in 24 hrs.

The drug is not special and not really needed. It is not fun to sell. You will be miserable.

Percocet is available, available anywhere and is covered at Tier 1 or is cheap for cash pay patients. XXR is expensive and hardly anywhere, and has poor coverage. So XXR lasts 12 hrs. Big deal. What til you have a heavy hitting surgeon (that you waited forever to see or have lunch with) tell you that they don't give a shit that the patient has to get up at 2 am to take a pain pill, and that XXR's dosing is not flexible enough, that they don't know how the patient is progressing because there is only 1 dose and timing schedule. They gauge a surgical patient's pain level and recovery on how often and how many pain pills they take in 24 hrs.

The drug is not special and not really needed. It is not fun to sell. You will be miserable.

You actually bring up a great point. The 12 hour analgesia effect can be a negative as it can mask the patients progression of getting better. This is a crap drug and there will be no growth for this drug. Mallinckrodt will eventually lay everyone off.

You actually bring up a great point. The 12 hour analgesia effect can be a negative as it can mask the patients progression of getting better. This is a crap drug and there will be no growth for this drug. Mallinckrodt will eventually lay everyone off.

I'm gone. Got the axe back in August. I had more 'users' than anybody in my district, but they were onesies and twosies. The two guys that were successful in racking up the numbers had a few orthos who were using it consistently, despite the pharmacy and managed-care SNAFUs. The biggest complaint I got, aside from the coverage, was that it DID NOT WORK Q12! These docs were using it Q8 for the second dose, but found that it was better Q8.
Whatever that's worth… probably not much. Good luck to all.

I'm glad you had a chance to speak to many pharmacies and physicians. If you have done that, then you should have your answer. Why would you want to entertain an offer with this company. Besides being a horrible company with very poor leadership and a bad culture, the product sucks. I mean really sucks bad. Do you want to spend everyday trying to sell a product that isn't worth the extra money over Percocet? With your research you have done, I am sure you have received enough RED FLAGS to tell you to turn around and walk away from this job. Why do you worry about why the stocking problem, just know there IS a huge stocking and coverage problem. The only educated people that would take this job would be those that have no other alternatives and are desperate for a job until they can find a better job and then quit.

Recent need to find something but I have read enough and researched enough that I don't need this one! Thanks to all!