DO RD's Provide Value?


in the NBU and OBU does Shire allow the RD's to provide any value? Besides riding around and critiquing reps 4 days a week, what do they do? Most are not knowledgeable about basic Veeva functions or accessing anything in Iris. They can't offer any insight on the successes of other regions, other business units or the home office because most don't interact with anyone but their direct reports.
They are given little to no feedback or development plans on how they could be a more effective manager, coach, leader.
So if the RD's are never evaluated by their peers or direct reports, how do they know if they are effective?
How does Shire know that they are effective?

in the NBU and OBU does Shire allow the RD's to provide any value? Besides riding around and critiquing reps 4 days a week, what do they do? Most are not knowledgeable about basic Veeva functions or accessing anything in Iris. They can't offer any insight on the successes of other regions, other business units or the home office because most don't interact with anyone but their direct reports.
They are given little to no feedback or development plans on how they could be a more effective manager, coach, leader.
So if the RD's are never evaluated by their peers or direct reports, how do they know if they are effective?
How does Shire know that they are effective?

NO. Too many ride alongs where they just totally mess up our access and call average because they slow you down! Anytime we need help with any of the above you mentioned such as veeva or anything, they don't know and do not want to take time to find out! But, will track you down for a useless report! And two full day ride alongs every few weeks are too much!

NO. Too many ride alongs where they just totally mess up our access and call average because they slow you down! Anytime we need help with any of the above you mentioned such as veeva or anything, they don't know and do not want to take time to find out! But, will track you down for a useless report! And two full day ride alongs every few weeks are too much!

I personally am lucky to have a great RD. I know our whole team wouldn't still be here putting up with a lot of the BS lately if it weren't for our RD filtering out a lot of it. However, that being said the field rides are way too frequent and it slows me down immensely. And that's the last thing I need right now while trying to learn a new territory, new accounts and fitting in the OBU calls where I can. I've already thought about how I'm going to account for the days when he's with me because it's going to slow me down so much.

It depends upon your franchise. GI RD's check the boxes. Majority of them are looking to get out if something better comes along. Retaining good people has become very difficult. Competitors are poaching all the good ones.

No value, period. Like seagulls, they fly(or drive) in, squawk a lot, shit on you( Back when I was a rep, yeah, yeah, whatever,) and leave.
Md's hate seeing them lurking around the corner, they get all "puffed" up like they run Shire, and my God, having someone in your grill for eight hours, no matter how much you may "like" them, sucks.

My RD is with me a lot but he often sits in the car and says he has phone calls to make. I think he touches himself inappropriately. One day he polished off a whole bag of Cheetos (the family size) and the end of his fingers were all orange. I finished making my call and came out to find the front of his pants had the same orange powder on them. He was smoking a cigarette and breathing pretty heavy. He must have just finished so he asked if I could drop him off at his car. It was 10:30am. He was mumbling to himself as he got out, something about having oatmeal pants that were sticky.

What the hell does all this mean?

I personally am lucky to have a great RD. I know our whole team wouldn't still be here putting up with a lot of the BS lately if it weren't for our RD filtering out a lot of it. However, that being said the field rides are way too frequent and it slows me down immensely. And that's the last thing I need right now while trying to learn a new territory, new accounts and fitting in the OBU calls where I can. I've already thought about how I'm going to account for the days when he's with me because it's going to slow me down so much.

I have a great RD in the NBU and would say the same thing. I think many of them would like more office time so they could be more of a resource for us. The old asinine push for them to mindlessly ride around with reps is because leadership doesn't know how to really empowering their people to run their business. Not be babysitters. And the monthly two day field ride days are too much and hurt business. And let's not forget the ZD ride alongs if your territory is near a big airport.

There was a change for the better with RDs getting more office time and the concentration was on helping reps develop their business. But then KK and her 90's big pharma mentality came in and took it away. Along with increased ZD days in the field.

There was a change for the better with RDs getting more office time and the concentration was on helping reps develop their business. But then KK and her 90's big pharma mentality came in and took it away. Along with increased ZD days in the field.
KK wants RDs and ZDs in the field four days a week. She doesn't need them to "run their business" she wants them out selling. So she essentially is paying three people to do the work of one. What a twit!

I personally am lucky to have a great RD. I know our whole team wouldn't still be here putting up with a lot of the BS lately if it weren't for our RD filtering out a lot of it. However, that being said the field rides are way too frequent and it slows me down immensely. And that's the last thing I need right now while trying to learn a new territory, new accounts and fitting in the OBU calls where I can. I've already thought about how I'm going to account for the days when he's with me because it's going to slow me down so much.

Riding around with you this week was embarrassing! OMG you need to brush up and at least memorize the 1-2 very weak IPad slides we give you to beat over the heads of menial Eyecare doctors who call themselves Opthomologists.

How the hell hard is it to sell eye drops? Holy shit, expensive, glorified saline ain't rocket science folks.
RD's are one more level of babysitter that provide very little value. But, hey, how much does any of upper management provide? Most are merely bodies filling a slot on the organizational chart. Pharma is as bad as government with bloated personnel withall the useless positions.