Do i make the jump from biotech to bard pv


I work for a biotech company selling injectibles now. I got a call to sell atbard in the pv division. The base at bard is 50 k and my base now is 90 k with another 35 k bonus at plan.

Do bard reps tend to make over 125 k ?
Do reps use this terr manager position as a stepping stone or do they tend to stay?
Thx for the feedback.
How do you enjoy the position?

I am guessing you are with baxter. Bard PV is an entry level device job where you can make 150k and up or not break 100k. You have one of the easiest jobs on the planet right now and making the move here would be a bit looney unless you really want device.

As a former Bard Peripheral Rep, I can honestly say that 90% of the sales force at BPV would switch jobs with you in a heart beat.

Do you like being threatened on a daily basis? Do you like being managed through fear, intimidation, and threats? Do you want to work 70 hours a week and still not make any money?

You would be stupid to make this move.

Bard PV had 38% turnover in 2010. The culture does in fact suck now. If you really want to get into devices it might not be a bad move but there's about a 75% chance that you wont be there in 3 years. Only do it if you want to move into devices bad enough to sacrifice quality of life for a while. perhaps years. devices are a tough place to survive. if you end up struggling though you can always go back to pharma or biotech.

Botech isnt sellng. I would rather see somenone come in from Xerox copiers or industrial sales.

What is the territory you are nterviewing for , I hesitate to ask you since you mentioned if this job is used as a steppng stone
Management leaves you alone to go get the busness if your not afraid to ask for the busness.

Botech isnt sellng. I would rather see somenone come in from Xerox copiers or industrial sales.

What is the territory you are nterviewing for , I hesitate to ask you since you mentioned if this job is used as a steppng stone
Management leaves you alone to go get the busness if your not afraid to ask for the busness.

Sure you would Hans. Management leaves you alone? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! Be prepared to fill out multiple spreadsheets a day, and get calls from 3 levels of management on every issue.

The fact that they would rather have someone that sold toner to secretaries than an injection to doctors says everything you want to know about BPV management.

Don't walk away from this job. Run.

Well said. Put it this way, if you have a $1.5M territory and you are 100% to plan your income will be about $125,000. If you are 90% to plan your income will be more like $75,000 and you'll have Hans' and Michael Croci's broomstick up your colon at 7:30am everyday. Plus, all the things things said on the previous post about spreadsheets and management style.

Croci used to be a male model in Europe his younger days. That's where he probably learned to use the broomstick among other things. His picture is next to two words in the dictionary: narcissist and deceitful.

I work for a biotech company selling injectibles now. I got a call to sell atbard in the pv division. The base at bard is 50 k and my base now is 90 k with another 35 k bonus at plan.

Do bard reps tend to make over 125 k ?
Do reps use this terr manager position as a stepping stone or do they tend to stay?
Thx for the feedback.
How do you enjoy the position?

C'mon; just go ahead and call it biopharma, and if you left this cush job for the pv gig your next jump will be at the closest bridge

LMAO! Some days at Bard PV you do in fact want to jump off a bridge. The income floor gets a little higher after you've been there a while (if your territory goes over 2M) but you could always make less than $100K in a down year. If that happens two years in a row you'll be miserable and then you'll be gone. You have to average your income over 3 years at Bard to understand what you really make a year. There is a great deal of potential for income volatility with the comp plan structure all divisions of Bard with the low percentages they pay on existing business and the heavy weight towards growth pay. Save your money and budget your life around a $115,000 income to be safe.

I worked for this division and it is all about the numbers with no excuses. I always stayed in the top third but they will run you into the ground then replace you. They provide an opportunity to make huge money but maybe only the top 5 guys. Then down to the middle of the pack you will make around 140-160K on average. Below the middle you make your salary and the promise of a pink slip. I watched reps be top producers, have their terr. slashed, then be let go for poor performance/etc. Even if you are producing you will get immense pressure for more. My quality of life was horrible and I decided to move on. I currently do not have the opportunity to make several hundred thousand a year but I still make the same as I did at Bard and my quality of life is great.

To show you an example of the culture at Bard this post will likely be followed by:
-good riddance you f-ing cry baby
-if you were worth a shit you would have made money like me...from: the greatest salesman in the world

or something else similar. I hope you find this helpful and good luck.

I worked for this division and it is all about the numbers with no excuses. I always stayed in the top third but they will run you into the ground then replace you. They provide an opportunity to make huge money but maybe only the top 5 guys. Then down to the middle of the pack you will make around 140-160K on average. Below the middle you make your salary and the promise of a pink slip. I watched reps be top producers, have their terr. slashed, then be let go for poor performance/etc. Even if you are producing you will get immense pressure for more. My quality of life was horrible and decided to move on. I currently do not have the opportunity to make several hundred thousand a year but I still make the same as I did at Bard and my quality of life is great.

To show you an example of the culture at Bard this post will likely be followed by:
-good riddance you f-ing cry baby
-if you were worth a sh1t you would have made money like me...from: the greatest salesman in the world
-We do not want puzzies like you around here

Hi George Gordon. You have told me and many others this many times. You also know that I likle it here and found a way to make money. I'm happy to see you found a better fit, so time to move on and let it go.

Hi George Gordon. You have told me and many others this many times. You also know that I likle it here and found a way to make money. I'm happy to see you found a better fit, so time to move on and let it go.

What is it that you like so much about Bard PV?

Are you into the numerous reports and spreadsheets you have to fill out on a daily/weekly basis?

Is it the constant threats you receive from management?

Is it your $50,000 base salary?

Is it your shitty company car?

Wait! I got it! You enjoy sharing a room at your twice yearly sales meetings! You like bunking with another dude in the same room!

Bard PV is a joke. I hope you and your roommate had fun practicing blowing each other, in order to blow hans, while beasley watches.

My question to this boring story, which by the way, I have heard from the George Gordon's of Bard for years, is.... Why in the hell would you want to do this job if "middle of the pack" is acceptable to you. I personally don't want to stay M-O-T-P. It's why they hired me and frankly anyone that is satisfied with that is a fraud. This isn't to say that I've always been at the top. But once you've been there, nothing else is acceptable and verbalizing this mamby pamby QOL cry is pathetic. Glad that you found something that is softer for you. This gig isn't for the faint of heart.

Actually, QOL does play a role. Having left BPV 4 years ago I now make as much as any stage performer, don't have nearly the paperwork nor a self-serving micro-manager, and get to spend time with the family. I even golf with my docs without fear of big brother. It takes a lot of work, but can be done. So go on selling your wares off label to hit your number and enjoy the microscope up your ass. You'll never be good enough. Save some of that cash for your attorney because that day is coming.

Yeah as a former Bard PV rep I would also have to say my quality of life and income consistency are much better where I’m at now though it wasn’t easy to get there. My experience at Bard was key to winning the job I have now, thoguh, and that’s the one good thing you will get at Bard: Experience.

Avg rep where I’m at now is $220K (as are most gigs with quality reps that have 5 years + experience) and I have one 30 minute live phone conversation with a week with my boss a week. No BS spreadsheets or ra-ra voicemails to clog up your day, either. The last voicemail that was sent out was the Sales manager wishing everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New year. Now that's enough rope to hang yourself if you suck but that's why they hire the right people.

Bard can be great if you get into presidents club, build a big base, get optimum, etc but most don’t. I'd say your chance are the same as winning your local American Idol try-outs. There will, however, always be some winners and those are the people who get on here and can't understand why 80% had a bad experience at their company. The Bard pay structure will always lend itself to big up years and big down years.

A recruiter told me in 2006 that Bard was not a place that most really good reps stay for more than 3-5 years without going into management and I said he was wrong and that I was the exception. Well he was right. You don’t think guys like Ammerman and Mike Bordovsky are happier at the St. Judes, Strykers, W.L. Gores, Karl Storz and Medtronics out there? There are more for-real med sales high level gigs besides Bard. That’s why Bard usually hires entry-level sales people (2-3 years of outside sales or pharma). A chance to make $120K at plan? Shit, they say. I’m in. Whenever you have that constituency as a big part of a sales force management will always be able to get away with shit that they could not get away with if the sales force was 75% 5 year+ Device reps. They'd be like, are you fucking kidding me? Pharma and ADP people don't know any better.

Or what about Ortho & Spine? Tons of Great jobs that pay from dollar 1 in those spaces, too. Those relationships are worth $250K+ a year in most ortho/total joint or spine jobs. Much tougher to get into initially, though, at anything over $110K versus general surg, GYN or Vascular where you can start at $140-$150K. Those with trong ortho, spine or cardiology relationships and have the best gigs out there I think.