Do B&L Benefits cover pregnancy?


I am on the verge of joining Bausch & Lomb and thinking of trying with my husband to get pregnant. Do B&L benefits cover childbirth and prenatal and all that pregnancy entails?

Have you been reading these boards? What do you think will happen if you pull the, "Hire me. Oops, I'm pregnant and want time off," game. At least in the US. If you are in a country that requires Valeant to pay you for maternity and hold your job, then more power to you.

Last I heard, they hadn't decided what benefits to go with, B+L or Valeant, in 2014. But open enrollment is coming up soon so a decision has to be made. Doesn't matter which, this is a bad company to work for. You are just a piece of meat to them and they will get rid of you, pregnancy or not.

From what I saw on Valeant's intranet their medical is much better than B&L's so I am hoping they stick with that plan. Very reasonable paycheck deductions and coverage is amazing without any deductibles.

From what I saw on Valeant's intranet their medical is much better than B&L's so I am hoping they stick with that plan. Very reasonable paycheck deductions and coverage is amazing without any deductibles.

Except if you're pregnant ....they don't over anything and you have to have that baby in the street

If you are scoping out a company to leech off of just so you can get pregnant, what a loser! You should reconsider having children if you cannot already afford them. You remind me if the illegals crossing the border and dropping their loads for us to support. Go drop your load elsewhere!

Thank you to those of you who gave honest and actual useful responses. To the others, I am not in sales and I am not yet pregnant. Jesus how do some of you make it through the day being so negative and hateful? Asking if a company covers pregnancy is pretty straight forward. And for the last poster, I can afford it where I am and I was just seeing if I could do the same at B&L. I hope you haven't "dropped" your unimpressive most likely full of birth defective loads in any girl and they took. The world is full of enough assholes like you.

So incredibly easy to get under a liberals skin! Lmao!

I merely stated a fact about your current status. you obviously are very low iq and clearly uninformed. I mean, who asks about ' is pregnancy covered?' On a specialty pharma thread. Do us all a favor and stay out of sales. As far as your obvious liberal rant about having poor deformed children ( which had nothing to do with anything I said-you are quite venomous-you should be very careful what you spout off naive one). I'm just saying.........

Get a life! Better yet, a brain! Refrain from using the one in your pants. I have way too much of the gene pool to clean up as is! Lol!

Seriously, you'll get the scoop on what the insurance will cover when you are hired or brought back for a follow-up interview. I know that there is currently a 90-day maternity leave and if there are changes to that, you should be informed. Best wishes to you with your future employment.