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Do any of you understand big business?


Do you know how the appeals process works?

Do you understand risk management?

Do you understand class action lawsuits?

Do you understand the importance of shareholders and the street?

Please start reading more than Maxim and cafepharma and understand how our company works.

I have an even better idea, invest time in understanding the business in which you have decided to dedicate your one life to.

Wake up you dip shits your posts, rumors, etc... Make you look like an idiot.

Less time on your fantasy football team, angry birds, you tube and more on your career.

Tired of your shit, leave


As a business owner, I fully understand what it takes to own and run a successful business.

This isn't a class action, it is an MDL and there is a huge difference. The appeals process will not doubt be done but what many seem to forget is that the verdict, even when appealed, sends a message that people aren't happy with BigPharma and their lies.

The 9 Billion verdict is a bit harsh but the judge will also take into account the actions of the accused and the decision of the jury. The usual punitive damages is 10X the compensatory damages. He was awarded 1.5 Million for Comp Damages so that would be a possible 15 Million Punitive verdict. 15M x 6000 cases is 90B just in punitive damages. That is how people need to look at this. This is how they are looking at what stares them in the face.

As for Risk Management, I highly doubt they factored losing a case of this magnitude and planned for it. If they factored this into risk management then they didn't compensate for the amount of loss correctly.

What does shareholders and the street have to do with day to day operations of a company this size. Hardly anything. A board of directors and a group of sales people will not change the minds of what was alleged to be unethical people who had control.

Any company who puts profits over safety needs to be hit hard and dealt with accordingly.

I am not sure any Pharma company could sustain this type of potential set back.

This is an alarming verdict sent to the world of BigPharma regardless of an appeal and a reduction, this hits home.

Do you know how the appeals process works?

Do you understand risk management?

Do you understand class action lawsuits?

Do you understand the importance of shareholders and the street?

Please start reading more than Maxim and cafepharma and understand how our company works.

I have an even better idea, invest time in understanding the business in which you have decided to dedicate your one life to.

Wake up you dip shits your posts, rumors, etc... Make you look like an idiot.

Less time on your fantasy football team, angry birds, you tube and more on your career.

Tired of your shit, leave

Maybe you don't understand that this is not a class action. There are still about 6000 more to defend.

As for risk management. Each life lost= x amount of $$$$ Guess you just found out.

So there you go dip shit. 9 billion sounds fair to me. Destroy evidence, hide the facts and kill or hurt others for the sake of a dollar.

As a business owner, I fully understand what it takes to own and run a successful business.

This isn't a class action, it is an MDL and there is a huge difference. The appeals process will not doubt be done but what many seem to forget is that the verdict, even when appealed, sends a message that people aren't happy with BigPharma and their lies.

The 9 Billion verdict is a bit harsh but the judge will also take into account the actions of the accused and the decision of the jury. The usual punitive damages is 10X the compensatory damages. He was awarded 1.5 Million for Comp Damages so that would be a possible 15 Million Punitive verdict. 15M x 6000 cases is 90B just in punitive damages. That is how people need to look at this. This is how they are looking at what stares them in the face.

As for Risk Management, I highly doubt they factored losing a case of this magnitude and planned for it. If they factored this into risk management then they didn't compensate for the amount of loss correctly.

What does shareholders and the street have to do with day to day operations of a company this size. Hardly anything. A board of directors and a group of sales people will not change the minds of what was alleged to be unethical people who had control.

Any company who puts profits over safety needs to be hit hard and dealt with accordingly.

I am not sure any Pharma company could sustain this type of potential set back.

This is an alarming verdict sent to the world of BigPharma regardless of an appeal and a reduction, this hits home.

Very well said.

Maybe you don't understand that this is not a class action. There are still about 6000 more to defend.

As for risk management. Each life lost= x amount of $$$$ Guess you just found out.

So there you go dip shit. 9 billion sounds fair to me. Destroy evidence, hide the facts and kill or hurt others for the sake of a dollar.

This is exactly what BI has allegedly done as well with pradaxa. We will see how this case effects the settlements before their first trial in September.

Even if a drug saves lies one company can't play God and lie and say that one life is okay for another or two.

The argument of "look how many people are saved from this drug" isn't fair when the field is a level playing field.

Do the OP understand that the government, and people of the juries, do not like to hear that 46 PEOPLE DELETED THEIR FILES AFTER THEY WERE ORDERED NOT TO!!!!

Takeda promise?


Do the OP understand that the government, and people of the juries, do not like to hear that 46 PEOPLE DELETED THEIR FILES AFTER THEY WERE ORDERED NOT TO!!!!

Takeda promise?


Do you realize a judge wouldn't make the assumption they jury makes when hearing about this news??? That's why this will be reverse.

Do you realize a judge wouldn't make the assumption they jury makes when hearing about this news??? That's why this will be reverse.

Why not? What assumption is being made? Either the data was deleted or it was not deleted. There's no assumption to be made. Can you think of a logical reason 46 people would delete their files AFTER being ordered not to? You don't think there's grounds for punnishment for that?

Why not? What assumption is being made? Either the data was deleted or it was not deleted. There's no assumption to be made. Can you think of a logical reason 46 people would delete their files AFTER being ordered not to? You don't think there's grounds for punnishment for that?

Because judges dont make assumptions but make their decisions on law. We are not being taken to court because of deleted emails. If they say we downplayed the risk but our study shows there is no risk, why should Takeda be held accountable? That is why the first 2 cases were reversed. They have to prove Actos causes bladder cancer.

Because judges dont make assumptions but make their decisions on law. We are not being taken to court because of deleted emails. If they say we downplayed the risk but our study shows there is no risk, why should Takeda be held accountable? That is why the first 2 cases were reversed. They have to prove Actos causes bladder cancer.

If they say we downplayed the risk but our study shows there is no risk. \

There lies the problem "Your own study" Police your self? What a dip shit.

Because judges dont make assumptions but make their decisions on law. We are not being taken to court because of deleted emails. If they say we downplayed the risk but our study shows there is no risk, why should Takeda be held accountable? That is why the first 2 cases were reversed. They have to prove Actos causes bladder cancer.

And all the other studies mean nothing?

Do you realize a judge wouldn't make the assumption they jury makes when hearing about this news??? That's why this will be reverse.

Because Takeda failed to properly protect the Actos documents, Doherty penalized the company by instructing jurors they could infer that the files may have buttressed Allen’s claims the company wrongfully hid the medication’s health risks.

“The breadth of Takeda leadership whose files have been lost, deleted or destroyed is, in and of itself, disturbing,” Doherty wrote in a January ruling that opened the door for jurors to hear about the destroyed documents.

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