DM's hired before Directors? Wow


Heard DM's have been hired prior to Directors??! What kind of micromanagement operation is this? Why don't you just let your upper management call on the docs too?

Wow. Another recipe for failure and a poor culture. It's a shame as this kind of opportunity comes around infrequently. Overzealous micro managers just can't help themselves.

That's because the directors are a freaking joke. I interviewed for the job. They asked me if I would take it without having any direct reports. I wanted to walk right out. This company doesn't know what the hell they are doing. I would be very wary.

Stay away if you truly value your credibility.

And they are hiring managers who know very little oncology. Willing to take a risk with no drug. Wow! If and it's a big if this drug is approved you will have a terrible launch. Want to make money on this company sell short.

Stay away from Texas. Manager has very little oncology experience. Plus the drug has about 40 percent chance of getting approved. The doctors I have talked to don't see this being used over what's on the market already. Money might be good but is it worth the risk of a job.

Money is OK. Not at the upper tier of good oncology companies, options are low, and the drug will be a huge dud…take it if you are unemployed or trying to break into oncology. VP of Sales is a long time Pfizer veteran so you can guess what feel of the company will be.

Yes the Pfizer has no clue about biotechnology and bringing drugs to market. Sorry the drug is no better then the alternative. Look at the studies! Even if it gets to the market management will be micro because that is all they know. When sales are not there how will they react? It won't be pretty. Look at all the other failures out there. When you manager comes to you who has less then 2 years of experience and no launch experience and ask why sales are not there, start laughing or looking for a new job

This place is getting bad press before it should have any press at all. Micromanagement seems obvious. Your Vp of sales is useless and has experience from Pfizer. Oh, wait. He was at UCB where as NSD, he missed his number for how many years? I believe 3 or 4 in a row. Yea, great hire. He obviously knew someone because they certainly didn't look at the track record.