DM's aren't even needed!!!


It just dawned on me as I was sitting here thinking of how Kowa could ACTUALLY cut costs...get rid of some DMs! I mean if you can fly every other month, stay in a hotel, and drive a rental car, then giving DM's bigger territories would make a lot of sense. Why pay them almost $100k per year in a base salary when they do NOTHING!!! We have no formulary issues to talk about because we have NONE, expense reports can be approved by accounting in AL, and the amount of money the company can save would be awesome! Its not as though these "has beens" provide any insights into anything, talk about saying the same thing and not changing to get results - HELLO, that is exactly what these DMs do.

The DMs make this company. WE hired your lazy homemaker asses. Why dont you all shut the fk up. you were paid well then you were fuked well then you were let go. Welcome to sales bitches.

I am still here, nobody's been let go. I am too good, numbers prove it, want the hell out though.

Why don't you tell us what it is the hell you do that is so important? You know as well as we all do, your nothing, just sucking off the company tit with a little more money at stake.

I would like a DM to tell me one reason they are needed. The sales rep job is a joke and everyone in the world knows it. Dropping samples and asking for signatures---how gay. I don't see the UPS guy having a DM riding around with him wasting time and money.

The DMs are like middlemen. They are the buffer between the reps and their bosses. In order to cut costs and to do less with more, either cut many DMs and have their bosses step in and do more, or cut the regional mngrs and have the DMs do more. There's alot of dead weight in between. And then we get to the reps--some of whom won't work because the salary is much lower than what they've grown accustomed to, but they know their bosses won't fire them because noone likes to admit they've made a mistake in hiring someone.