DM the Dinosaur


True the DMs check boxes cut and paste their field contacts and really do not have much to add to move the business forward and then quote the home office people who are equally out of touch. I agree check a box do the Milk run get your cut and paste field contact and drop them off at the airport

That is what I call a field ride.

Happy someone finally commented on this. I am amazed this practice continues. What an absolute waste of time. I cant think of a better way to waste resources. DM flys in, spends a night in a hotel with dinner etc, cuts reps daily calls from 10ish to 3 or so, rep visits same customers over and over again with DM, week's routing ruined, next day, same thing, gone at noon. Wow, so glad you came in boss! The day after dm left, right back to the way it was before they showed up. What did the company waste? $1000-2000 in expenses? A week's routing ruined and for what? NOTHING! Please stop this ancient and useless practice. It should be more like one manager for 20+ reps, ride alongs every 60-90 days depending on tenure and success. If you're doing well, who the hell cares? Leave us alone and let us sell.

What ever happended to the DM in the Midwest I think ST Louis S.M. ??
Was with the company like 15-20 yrs but wasn't a old guy, maybe mid 40's ??
Was a rep at one time an won multiple trips an Rolex'es ??

The DMS here are pretty worthless but at least they are working what the Hell do these so called Nationals do? They are actually a bigger waste of space. No value what so ever and really bring nothing to the table.