Im not sure what role the Dm should have in this but they are asking a select few some feedback on areas.
Speacilty reps are trying to make a case for there #'s and market share, while the PC3 are justifying lower salaries and work ethic compared to tenured reps. PC2 is done in my opinion. I have had calls off the record justifying rep postions. btw im not involved with feedback on my area but do know some dms that are.
this will be something as many reps have to protect there jobs in a tough time for dsi thats about to happen.
good luck
Speacilty reps are trying to make a case for there #'s and market share, while the PC3 are justifying lower salaries and work ethic compared to tenured reps. PC2 is done in my opinion. I have had calls off the record justifying rep postions. btw im not involved with feedback on my area but do know some dms that are.
this will be something as many reps have to protect there jobs in a tough time for dsi thats about to happen.
good luck