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Yes. In order to compete, it needs to.

In order to compete to sell the 2 drugs we are trying to get approved? Even if they actually make it to market (slim chance based on recent history) why will insurance companies pay for them? It's just silly. Will be another Lilly launch bust resulting in massive layoffs as usual. Neither one of these drugs is going to be a blockbuster and won't need a large sales force to sell them. 4th to market insulin and a drug whose box will have to be 12 inches high just to fit all the black boxed warnings?

Get a brain people. Look at Axiron, 4th to market and NO ONE is covering it. Lawsuit issues too. We already know about all the lawsuits we are going to get if we launch that insulin. People here just get sucked in to the Lilly bs. Get off of LillyNews.