Divisions to merge

Will this be before or after we have to buy our own cars?

Who are you kidding? After. Then you will be left hanging with a new car. You know how things operate around here. Let's alol face the facts. It's going to happen. We don't need bith JD and SC. We don't need two sets of managers. Low volume territories will be eliminated.

They can't afford to reduce the headcount with the sales force. The OSS reps are great but they don't have the relationships with customers outside Ortho that the Cadence reps do. I don't see a reduction coming. I hope not.

The low volume territories where they feel doesn't make good business sense to have a representative will be affected. Let's face it, Xartemis is a complete dog. This drug is already on the market to be sold to a smaller company and everything is hush hush right now. One day it will be completely gone and they will act as if we had never had it. The second combo drug is never going to come out. They finally realized these two products are such niche products that they will never make any money at all with them.

Even if a second drug were to come out, there is no reason to have two separate sets of managers to effectively manage people. There is no reason to keep SC on board as VP when we now have JD. You only need one VP of sales, especially if everyone is selling the same thing. The RBD's and DM's can now be cut in half as they simply don't need them.

You're kidding about SC right? Everyone knows she is the backbone that built, finds, supports and develops the salesforce to its fullest potential as well developing a bulletproof and innovative marketing plan all the while driving company growth and maximizing shareholder value. Definitely a very valuable asset to the company and one that needs to increase in scope and responsability in order for the organization to fully take advantage of her skill set!!!!!

You're kidding about SC right? Everyone knows she is the backbone that built, finds, supports and develops the salesforce to its fullest potential as well developing a bulletproof and innovative marketing plan all the while driving company growth and maximizing shareholder value. Definitely a very valuable asset to the company and one that needs to increase in scope and responsability in order for the organization to fully take advantage of her skill set!!!!!

Thanks for the great insight, Hugh. You're such a visionary.