Division Manager Positions


Can somebody please explain what the division manager positions are all about? See several posted in New England, and wanted to know if this is District Manager job or something else.

Can somebody please explain what the division manager positions are all about? See several posted in New England, and wanted to know if this is District Manager job or something else.

The division manager positions are all about promoting inexperienced people that know nothing about anything in order to start the long line of buttsuckers all the way to the top.

The intent of the position is to help manage field sales to be more productive, but in reality 97% of them can only come up with ideas that increase turnover and decrease profit and stockholder dividends. Unfortunately, senior managements bungholes are so well taken care of they are clueless as to what really goes on in the field or they would probably do something about it.

I think that sums up what the DM position is all about.