Diversity and Inclusion at Novartis


Novartis has positioned itself as a leader in the acceptance of diversity and inclusion. This bring up an interesting point of view. There is one category which does not seem to have been included in D and I and that would be the older, more senior, more experience, more highly paid, long term, loyal representative.

For each of you who describe yourself as black, latino, female, gay, bisexual, transgendered, fat, ugly, handicapped or somehow discriminated against just remember. At some point if you last long enough, if you manage to survive the coming downsizings,each of you will morph into that category which can be successfully treated unfairly, the older representative as described in the last sentence of the first paragraph. You will further discover that your age will be an obstacle for the rest of your life in attempting to reenter the job market.

While there will always be a few kept aboard to make it appear that this organization is FAIR, there will be continual attempts to try to remain afloat with the young, female, minority, sexually confused, infirm representative. On an individual basis you must ask yourself after looking around and evaluating your POD, "ARE THESE REALLY THE BEST CHOICES TO MOVE THE BUSINESS?"

Novartis has positioned itself as a leader in the acceptance of diversity and inclusion. This bring up an interesting point of view. There is one category which does not seem to have been included in D and I and that would be the older, more senior, more experience, more highly paid, long term, loyal representative.

For each of you who describe yourself as black, latino, female, gay, bisexual, transgendered, fat, ugly, handicapped or somehow discriminated against just remember. At some point if you last long enough, if you manage to survive the coming downsizings,each of you will morph into that category which can be successfully treated unfairly, the older representative as described in the last sentence of the first paragraph. You will further discover that your age will be an obstacle for the rest of your life in attempting to reenter the job market.

While there will always be a few kept aboard to make it appear that this organization is FAIR, there will be continual attempts to try to remain afloat with the young, female, minority, sexually confused, infirm representative. On an individual basis you must ask yourself after looking around and evaluating your POD, "ARE THESE REALLY THE BEST CHOICES TO MOVE THE BUSINESS?"

D & I..... translation: Quotas. We live in a society that is more concerned with racial diversity than business results. Why should anyone care in what color success comes? Judge me not by the color of my skin but by the content of my character.... does anyone even believe in that concept anymore?

Shocking no attorney has jumped on an age discrimination class action.
It's not only about layoffs but advancement opportunities denied.

Gut tells me it's only a matter of time for all pharma co's & when the
shit hits the proverbial fan it will make the gender discrimination judgment
seem like a parking ticket

D & I..... translation: Quotas. We live in a society that is more concerned with racial diversity than business results. Why should anyone care in what color success comes? Judge me not by the color of my skin but by the content of my character.... does anyone even believe in that concept anymore?

I am a 50+ rep who was recently displaced. Why should anyone care in what age success comes? I was judged solely by the amount of my paycheck and incentive package. The content of my character was never considered. When I look at what's left of my former POD (several older reps chose to leave the company), there is no character. Only five-figure salaries and mediocre sales results. Good luck with that Novartis.

I am a 50+ rep who was recently displaced. Why should anyone care in what age success comes? I was judged solely by the amount of my paycheck and incentive package. The content of my character was never considered. When I look at what's left of my former POD (several older reps chose to leave the company), there is no character. Only five-figure salaries and mediocre sales results. Good luck with that Novartis.

Another overpaid underproductive WHINER heard from.

Bet you're a white male, right?

Keep thinking that. This company, and country were built by these middle aged white males. They will be OK financially but you may not be. Who would you rather have driving the ship? Someone hired because of their race or gender? Or someone hired 30 years ago that was hired because of what they brought to the table.

Keep thinking that. This company, and country were built by these middle aged white males. They will be OK financially but you may not be. Who would you rather have driving the ship? Someone hired because of their race or gender? Or someone hired 30 years ago that was hired because of what they brought to the table.

You're right... isn't it funny how they keep coming-up with new terms for quotas and new excuses for why they should hire and promote inferior employees. I knew there was a problem when I stopped seeing links on WebSFA showing Novartis as a TOP Producing Pharma company and instead started seeing Novartis as a Top-50 company for diversity. Diversity might sound all warm and fuzzy but the fact is.... IT DOES NOT PAY THE BILLS.

D&I is how Novartis wants us believe that we won't be discriminated against, that we are valued, but as long as we have persons like CK representing Novartis top leadership, all D&I is bull! CK must go so Novartis regains it's credibility with the people who really care for the well being of the company, those of usin the frontline everyday, your sales force.

D&I in Novartis = Hipocracy. To say they belief in D&I, because I am chinese I am offered a position, but they really don't care for me, is just to clean their act in front of the government. D&I in Novartis = bull!

D&I in Novartis = Hipocracy. To say they belief in D&I, because I am chinese I am offered a position, but they really don't care for me, is just to clean their act in front of the government. D&I in Novartis = bull!

Well thats okay then, because they don't care about anybody or anything except the shareholders (who are screwed by their mismanagement anyway) so that quite fair ...

nofartis will be paying soooo much for discrimination, they just have no idea what is comining to them good lock hipocrites .

Is your pathetic brain capable of a rationale thought? What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.