Distributors only?

I would like to consider myself 'in the know' as to what is happening at OM. I have not heard anything like that at all. OM went through all those years of crappy sales and still maintained a direct sales force, I can't see them switching to total distribution when things are going really good right now. OM may do some dumb things but I can not see them springing that on us at the last moment, I think he would give us fair warning. Besides, they wouldn't do it in the middle of the fiscal year, they would wait until the start of a new one. OM does NOT like change, I can't see it happening.

Hahaha "things are really good right now". That gave me a good laugh. Maybe for you and your territory. But I work at corporate and I assure you things are far from good. It will never be good. We suck and we know it, just doing our best to stay afloat

I would think a CEO and VP would have better tongs to do than troll cafepharma and respond saying that things are great. It's shameful, spend your time improving the company instead of trolling message boards. The environment here is toxic and everyone knows it. Our product line is a real problem and will sink the company soon if something isn't done within a year or 2.