still unemployed?
still unemployed?
I believe we got 3 months severnce for up to 5 yrs of service with the company. I think it was one month added for every year of service after that. We also got a lump sum for cobra benefits of 6 months which was around $6k if I recall. I do not recall everything 100%.
Started interviewing a few months before the layoff and got job offer first week of March. Still in Pharma at a company that feels like Eisai did 10 years ago. Love working at my new job and actually have free time on nights and weekends (something that ceased to exist at Eisai). Base is about 5 grand lower but bonus is running 6 to 11 thousand a quarter so making more in the long run. I did not realize how stressed I was from the constant mental beatings I took during last year and a half at Eisai.
I still visit the board here every few weeks to get a pulse on the morale. Things seem quite horrible from talking to a few friends still there. They feel like they are on the titanic and the band is playing as the boat sinks.
Best of luck to all of you stuck in Eisai hell. It is sad to see a once great company, that was a great place to work turn into such a nightmare.
Does your new company have all of the metrics, call reporting, multiple field rides and tons of admin work too?
Yep, they will start picking you apart for everything that they don't agree with, too old, too young, clothes, hair, subjective performance criteria etc etc., and also I don't know of one rep that actually got the package- they fired everyone before.
the fact that someone like BJ is a RD shows this company is going down, down, down.