DISPLACED 2011-NO REHIRE/DISPLACED 2012, Rehire after 2 years


After discussing the above captioned with a major emplyment lawfirm, N may have opened themselves up for yet more monies to be paid to Plaintiffs.

In December, 2010, employees to be displaced were given a packet. In that packet it stated that in receiving the severance, the displaced employee could never work for Novartis again or any affiliates owned by Novartis (Alcon, Ciba, etc).

In the displacement of April, 2012, employees displaced COULD re-apply to Novartis and could come back to work, if hired, after 2 years. There is no difference between the two displaced parties other than one party got to work one year longer. There is no difference between those still working and the last 2 displaced parties oither than they still have a job.

Novartis better RE-THINK what they do unless they love to pay out monies for stupid lawsuits as an excuse to displace employees.
