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Disaster Town hall


So basically 75% of the sales force could not watch the town hall. Good call using a system the entire field downloaded 2 days ago and never used in the past. We all looked at a blank screen refreshing multiple times. What a blunder...


Technical staff said it was human error by the A/V expert (NOT) during set-up. They set it up to only allow laptop access, not ipads! By then it was too late (ACCORDING TO WHO? THE EXPERT?) as the call had already started. You basically cut out 99% of your field and remote employees on what was likely the most important call all year! How about a checklist, rehearsal, or something in advance to ensure this doesn't become an Ooops moment, with....Sorry, it's too late to fix it! Are you kidding me? What an embarrassment! Is that a Takeda-ism? Drive for results? Wow!!

Thats the least of our worries. Just ask around to other regions. Plans have been accelerated in our region and others I know about. Takeda is looking to eliminate paying as much severance as it did last year. Get your before 9 and after 4 all 5 days. Make sure that are high deciles. Sample those calls also. That is what our management team is looking at. Spend your speaker money and make sure it’s in your name. Probably the most important thing is how you are currently stacked. And no, you have zero control over this. Hope this helps.

Logical question here, TAKEDA WHY were we able to watch Christopher Web's live global address (from Boston) on our iPads but the USBS presentation (from Deerfield) goes bust..pathetic

AND THEN the question period allowed only home office personnel the floor and they asked GLOBAL QUESTIONS...

Logical question here, TAKEDA WHY were we able to watch Christopher Web's live global address (from Boston) on our iPads but the USBS presentation (from Deerfield) goes bust..pathetic

AND THEN the question period allowed only home office personnel the floor and they asked GLOBAL QUESTIONS...

Three of us, NYC area reps were logging on together and we each had NO AUDIO or VIDEO, nothing except the Q&A board! We were all trying different links, etc. No call in number? Only links? Who planned this? Total Fiasco

They didn't want a call in number so he could avoid questions from the sales force. I know I would rather hear questions from those at home office about technology..... wow! And how come he never mentioned the famous organizational reassessment that he did the day before.... TRANSPARENCY at its finest!

I'm guessing there might have been a few legal concerns about discussing the deal over a "wide ranging call", hence no dial in number. But wow, what a blunder cutting off the entire field. I'm sure Ramona will have BJ do a video covering highlights to clue in the field. Surely there has to be some sort of effort today to communicate to the field. Get with it Takeda.

Thats the least of our worries. Just ask around to other regions. Plans have been accelerated in our region and others I know about. Takeda is looking to eliminate paying as much severance as it did last year. Get your before 9 and after 4 all 5 days. Make sure that are high deciles. Sample those calls also. That is what our management team is looking at. Spend your speaker money and make sure it’s in your name. Probably the most important thing is how you are currently stacked. And no, you have zero control over this. Hope this helps.

Perfect reflection of most of Takeda’s endeavors. A total fuck up and no ownership or communication whatsoever. If they somehow can find a way to blame this on the field personal then it will be an exact recipe for a Takeda disaster- lack of planning and preparation by upper management results in a total failure, but frosting it with a think layer of blaming the sales force will make it palatable for the home office

We are all laughing our asses off in marketing at the the "keystone cops" sales dunces. When half you sales jag offs couldn't access townhall because of your own stupidity, and now blame it on app and ipads. The phone # to access audio was right in front of thier faces.

We are all laughing our asses off in marketing at the the "keystone cops" sales dunces. When half you sales jag offs couldn't access townhall because of your own stupidity, and now blame it on app and ipads. The phone # to access audio was right in front of thier faces.

TN shut the hell up and bend over for S. The other functions did NOT work!!!

We are all laughing our asses off in marketing at the the "keystone cops" sales dunces. When half you sales jag offs couldn't access townhall because of your own stupidity, and now blame it on app and ipads. The phone # to access audio was right in front of thier faces.

Even Stevie Wonder could have seen the number.

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