Disappearing comments


Did you ever wonder why truthful comments about anyone in senior management disappear ? Strike a sensitive nerve and comment is removed. What a joke. So much for the era of transparency.

The era of CYA and sucking up to over inflated ego's has been in place for a few years. Transparency is a word they like to use in senior management because it's what we want to hear in the field and gives the impression that they know what the F is going on here. Unfortunately, it's all for show.

You are truly a guy who is a rep and no more. You are a sad individual as I don't even know who the David's are but your posts are embarrassing. If they are so bad and you are not, why spend time posting about it and instead look for a new job? You sound like a very angry old rep who needs to Blane someone. Just sad.

And yes-I Misspelled blame. For those who are English teachers. I think everyone knows cafe Parma is a place to vent when you are sad angry fed up and usually drinking! So ,many of us get a word spelled wrong every so often. Hey at least we are on cafe Parma and not on the road!