Directors Told This Week, Managers Next Week

That means that we should know very soon what the final counts will be. I wonder if it is 4 RDs/30 Mgrs/300 reps or more drastic like 4 RDs/25 Mgrs/250 reps for the CNS Cephalon group???????

You have heard wrong. This was done a month ago, 4 RD, 30 Managers, 300 Reps.


So if you are such a know it all and all the numbers, maps and alignments are done, why are all the managers doing their ranking meetings next week? Shouldn't those who will be retained be focusing on the new sales force as it will look this week after the European approval? Why rank and rate people who will be severance out?

So if you are such a know it all and all the numbers, maps and alignments are done, why are all the managers doing their ranking meetings next week? Shouldn't those who will be retained be focusing on the new sales force as it will look this week after the European approval? Why rank and rate people who will be severance out?

Everyone must be rated, according to the calendar, managers will not now their fate until 10/21. Reps the following week.