Diovan going generic Jan 1st


Novartis insider here, just wanted to let you know that unfortunately Diovan will be going generic January 1st. We lost a patent infringement lawsuit to a generic drug company, hence the upcoming layoffs. Sorry for the news. You guys did a great job promoting Diovan. Best of luck...


Novartis insider here, just wanted to let you know that unfortunately Diovan will be going generic January 1st. We lost a patent infringement lawsuit to a generic drug company, hence the upcoming layoffs. Sorry for the news. You guys did a great job promoting Diovan. Best of luck...

you sound so sincere and credible

Really?? An insider? What 'generic company' did we lose to? The FDA still lists Sept 2012 as the expiration of the first of many patents we hold for that, so.....huh?

I think you are full of BS, have not heard this, we would know this by now, ask your DM and he in turn can ask your RD if this is true!!! I wouldn't trust anyone on this site.

I did hear this rumor as well. A lot of generic drug companies sue for the right to manufacture generic versions of branded drugs before the actual patent expires. This is a common everyday occurence. Ask your DM or any rep you know and they will attest to this. Diovan is just another victim of the generic drug companies. Since Cozaar went generic, it f'd up the whole class.

Hi there frends, I want to say I am an industry expert on pharmaceuticals. I will give you some background on myself. I know alot of the upper ups in the company. I have been to some family functions of the top here as well as alot of barbeques and such, so I am what you would call in the know if you know what I mean. So that being said I can say for certain that this is the truth. Diovan is going generic after the new year but I have been informed that it will be the second week in Janruary.

So the thing to think about is try to get out there and get what you can now and hopefully blow out your number. That way you will have some cash for in case you need it to find a new job. I also heard that severences are not going to be paid out at all which I tried to argue but did not get anywhere. Sorry guys.

Talk about a worthless piece of shit! We lied to the doctors for all those years with Diovan when it was actually the weakest ARB and did nothing! No real CHF indication, flunked the kidney protection and then the Navigator Study...it should really interest trial lawyers that the drug failed in every area of this study (which seemed to be a copy of Cozaar's LIFE trial) and we never told the doctors about it or the bogus Starlix results! If any drug has ever fooled a bunch of dumbass doctors it was Diovan and the combo's and what's so funny is that as worthless as Tekturna is, still it's a better drug than Diovan. Novartis made millions by paying speakers, paying docs to come to our programs and installing sample bins while we were killing their patients!

Hi there frends, I want to say I am an industry expert on pharmaceuticals. I will give you some background on myself. I know alot of the upper ups in the company. I have been to some family functions of the top here as well as alot of barbeques and such, so I am what you would call in the know if you know what I mean. So that being said I can say for certain that this is the truth. Diovan is going generic after the new year but I have been informed that it will be the second week in Janruary.

So the thing to think about is try to get out there and get what you can now and hopefully blow out your number. That way you will have some cash for in case you need it to find a new job. I also heard that severences are not going to be paid out at all which I tried to argue but did not get anywhere. Sorry guys.

And I know Darth Vader, and the Emperor and I are on a first-name basis. Trust me, I am an expert in Death Star space station design, and went to barbeques on Alderon with the “upper ups” of the Jedi Council.

Through training in the ways of the force with Yoda, I have seen the future and Diovan will be granted another millennia of patent protection.

And I know Darth Vader, and the Emperor and I are on a first-name basis. Trust me, I am an expert in Death Star space station design, and went to barbeques on Alderon with the “upper ups” of the Jedi Council.

Through training in the ways of the force with Yoda, I have seen the future and Diovan will be granted another millennia of patent protection.

Haha! Classic!!
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