Diovan Does $3 Billion in sales without reps


Why keep PC reps selling Patch, Exforge and Tekturna with all of the expenses associated with them? It is terrible for the economy when jobs with these salaries are eliminated. The major problem is that since the April 2012 layoff, upper management failed in getting other products for the reps to sell. Just like the last two times shortly after the layoff they will hire more sales reps.


& with no (more) off label selling, battling multiple generics , no ginned up fraudulent Japanese studies & a lack of speaker payola ......Imagine that
Speaks volume for the "abilities" of the leaders(?) running other brands does it not ?

Does this obvious kernel of truth make its way to executive level meetings ?

Of course. Nikos has been fixated on the cost per transaction of a live FTE vs the Arcapta virtual detail program targeting lower tier physicians. The ROI of what is going on with Diovan has been a key message to alternative commercial models.

It hasn't had reps in 2 years. Have you been out to lunch the entire time ?

U aren't intelligent, I can tell u were hired by Novartis cause ure analytical skills are about that of a 3 year old. U realize Diovan had a 40% share when it went "generic." That type of share in a massive market like AHY, it's hard to breakdown, especially when docs think it's generic. Reps built that drug to Where it is, no other are was close in share.

U aren't intelligent, I can tell u were hired by Novartis cause ure analytical skills are about that of a 3 year old. U realize Diovan had a 40% share when it went "generic." That type of share in a massive market like AHY, it's hard to breakdown, especially when docs think it's generic. Reps built that drug to Where it is, no other are was close in share.

It's spelled ARB genius & if you know anything of Diovan marketing you would know that for 1/2 a decade before pulling the reps altogether the co. pushed the HCT combo & mono was barely weighted for the reps if at all. Which means 2 things , a) their strategy of heavy HCT was a flop b) you're an idiot ;)

what's the point of keeping any force for PC , reps dms brand etc seriously for patch or tekturkey or exforge ? seriously ? why draw it out ? pointless! especially if a contract force is stupid enough to take these dogs or just contract out the existing people in 6 month chunks , totally waste either way