dinner programs

Hey can anyone tell me if u have to do dinners at teva if so how many and how often. Also how much do u pay for health insurance for a family here

You can do dinners with drs even though PHARMA is against it, however cash under the table is our preferred method. Also, superbowl tickets are great too, just ask the the retired MS doc (RS) in MN that always got free superbowl tickets. We could compete with evidence based medicine, but why?

You can do dinners with drs even though PHARMA is against it, however cash under the table is our preferred method. Also, superbowl tickets are great too, just ask the the retired MS doc (RS) in MN that always got free superbowl tickets. We could compete with evidence based medicine, but why?

No truer words have never been spoken. There is a direct correlation between under the table cash and market share of dmts. To any Rep in this industry who thinks otherwise ie selling skills product knowledge personality likeabilty is delusional. King cash rules over its kingdom of Ms neurology. Just be thankful you work for a company that recoginizes that neurologists treat that is ransom their patients to the highest bidders. Working for the only company that doesn't is a frustrating experience. Believe me I know.

Teva management says one thing and does another. They are always look for creative ways to pay doctors off. The Regional Mangers will go so far as to require the reps to have doctors "review" articles on a conference call to all of the reps in the district. It is the other team members responsibility to be on the phone and ask the doctor questions. These doctors are sometimes paid over $2,000, for a 20 minute phone call. They will conduct "journal club" meetings in a doctors office and have the doctor do a presentation to their own office. The rep. will say that they invited other doctors in the community, but none of them ever show up. The Area Managers pretend they have no idea what is going. Dinner programs are the same. They don't care if anyone shows up, just so they can "legally" pay off a doctor. If you are looking for a company that knows how to "look the other way". You have come to the right place.

In Tallahassee FL, the teva rep would pay one of the local neurologist to do a grand round with his partners and other local neurologist. Then next month, a new local neurologist would get the honorarium. what a joke! It was understood that it was stictly for the money and surprisingly they had a very large marketshare.